Guttridge Unveils New Website

Posted in: , on 20. Jul. 2013 - 13:45

Guttridge unveils new website that delivers expert information on bulk materials handling

Spalding, UK - Clear and intuitive with a strong focus on the needs of specific industries, the new Guttridge Ltd website showcases the extensive range of equipment and services that the company offers for all aspects of bulk materials handling. The new site also features the latest company news, customer testimonials and all the company brochures in an easily accessible format for download.

Guttridge recognises that every industry has very different needs for materials handling. The company offers a broad range of stainless and mild steel conveyors, elevators and ancillaries to meet individual requirements, and has the expertise and experience necessary to ensure a well-engineered successful handling solution for every application. The new website delivers easily accessible information, categorised by product and market sector. Significantly enhanced industry-specific pages highlight Guttridge capabilities that address the critical issues facing key sectors.

A refreshed case study knowledge base and customer testimonials section demonstrate the breadth of applications that Guttridge has successfully tackled and highlight the benefits delivered to specific customers. Testimonials from delighted customers include feedback from: a leading UK coffee roasting and packaging company; a pet food manufacturer ; and a stainless steel fabrication company that has worked in partnership with Guttridge to deliver on a number of successful projects.


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New website by Guttridge Ltd.

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