Lock Bolts Consultancy

Erstellt am 5. Apr. 2015 - 08:52
Quote Originally Posted by DEEPAK CHAUDHARYView Post
We are a diversified group manufacturing Railway Wagon Components.

We are looking for a technical consultant for setting up a plant to manufacture Lock Bolts. ( also known as Huck Bolts) .

Thanks and Regards

Deepak Chaudhary

Let me know your Location, I am associated with Lock Bolts for almost a decade now. I can provide Consultancy.

Best Regards

Narendra Ranka

+91 9849517627

I Am Charlie Have 30 Years Experience. Please Contact With Leem…

Erstellt am 2. Jun. 2015 - 05:35

I am Charlie Zhang, I have 30 years experience for project and manufactory. pleasure contact me with leemeasure@126.com or zhangl1425@163.com

Quote Originally Posted by Lock BoltView Post
Let me know your Location, I am associated with Lock Bolts for almost a decade now. I can provide Consultancy.

Best Regards

Narendra Ranka

+91 9849517627