Grain Handling with Siwertell 15 000 S

Posted in: , on 4. Jul. 2013 - 11:45


New Siwertell road-mobile order secured for South American service

A Siwertell 15*000 S road-mobile unloader will serve a grain-handling facility for an undisclosed owner in South America; it will deliver reliable bulk handling at rated capacities of up to 400t/h

In December this year Cargotec will deliver its largest model Siwertell road-mobile unloader to an undisclosed owner in South America. The Siwertell 15 000 S will be used to discharge soya meal, corn and wheat at rated capacities of 250t/h to 400t/h depending on the material being handled.

The order is for a trailer-based, diesel-powered unit fitted with double-bellows, a dust filter and Siwertell safety features appropriate for handling organic material. "Safety is of course a paramount consideration in modern industrial process," says Jörgen Ojeda, Siwertell Sales Director. "When handling organic material, dust mixed with oxygen and air can result in an explosive atmosphere inside the enclosed conveying system. Therefore, the Siwertell unloader's safety system monitors any potential hazard and is fully-equipped to minimise the risk of an explosion.


(double click on picture to open new window)

A Siwertell road-mobile ship unloader ensures a highly-efficient,

flexible and dust-free bulk transfer operation

"The provision of dual loading bellows means that road transport units or rail wagons can be loaded sequentially without the need to interrupt the unloading process. This maintains the unloader's rated capacities throughout the discharge process," notes Mr Ojeda. "Compared to a single loading bellows system, the through-ship capacity is increased by 25 to 30 percent. It is also possible to connect the outlet to almost any type of receiving land-based conveying system.

"This level of safety and efficiency, along with the quality of our products and our reputation as a reliable partner, secured this new order," he says.

The new unloader will be built at Cargotec's Siwertell production premises in Bjuv, Sweden. It will have a totally-enclosed conveying system, which eliminates dust and any spillages.

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Ship Unloader

Grain Handling

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