Setting Float Switches in Sewage Systems

Posted in: , on 18. Jun. 2013 - 12:32

In Sewage &Sump Pumping Systems I frequently find the float switches set at less than optimum settings resulting in poor system performance and in many cases a shortened service life for the pump. Ideally you want the pump to run as long as possible without allowing the inlet and vent pipes to flood and without drawing the liquid level in the pit to be drawn down to where the pump draws air. If the pit has an alarm which is a great idea to have one there should be a reasonable region set between the level at which the sewage pump turns on and the level where the high level alarm sounds to avoid nuisance alarms. Additionally it is a good idea to have enough of an alarm space set in between where the alarm sounds and the flooding of the inlet and vents which will allow the user to quickly rinse off the soap if they are showering or, perhaps one last flush before the drains stop working. The diagram below shows where the alarms should be set.

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