POWTECH 2013: Final Report

Posted in: , on 26. Apr. 2013 - 21:31

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Triple event on processing technologies with large international involvement

• POWTECH: excellent mood in the powder and bulk solids processing industry

• TechnoPharm: good results despite difficult environment

• PARTEC: intensive exchange of views on the future of particle technology

Altogether 959 exhibitors invited the sector to POWTECH and TechnoPharm in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 23–25 April 2013 – and 16,803 trade visitors came from 83 countries. Not only the high quality of talks was praised, but the international involvement in the events too. Every third exhibition visitor and every third exhibitor travelled to Nürnberg from abroad. Also hosted in the exhibition centre at the same time was PARTEC. The International Congress on Particle Technology, which takes place every three years, attracted some 480 participants to the Franconian capital, just under half of them from abroad. “A steady number of exhibitors, very good response from the visitors and a large international share show how important our trade fairs are for the international powder and bulk solids processing industry,” sums up Willy Viethen, Director Exhibitions at NürnbergMesse.


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Close to 17.000 trade visitors came from 83 countries

The next POWTECH and TechnoPharm duo of trade fairs takes place in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 30 September to 2 October 2014.

The trade fair duo for process plant and equipment is a permanent feature for Europe’s chemical, pharmaceutical, food and building material industries. The top visiting countries after Germany were Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands.

POWTECH remains the number 1 for the international powder and bulk solids processing industry

The 724 exhibitors from 27 countries on a net space of over 22,000 m2 presented the world’s most extensive range of mills, mixers & co. for visitors from the chemical, food, ceramics, and machinery and plant construction industries. 35 per cent of the exhibitors were international companies. The leading exhibiting nations after Germany were Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria and the USA. This year’s trade fair again reflected the whole spectrum of mechanical processes at the highest technological level.

TechnoPharm: high-tech solutions for a radically changing industry

At TechnoPharm, the international forum for planners and operators in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries, 235 exhibitors from 16 countries presented the current state of the art for production under the most stringent hygiene standards on a net space of more than 5,600 m2. The exhibition focused on innovations that help to make the individual production stages even more efficient – an important step for the pharmaceutical industry, which faces new challenges through individualization in modern medicine, increased regulation and growing pressure of costs. For the second time, the trade fair also focused on cleanroom technology in the Cleanroom Village and at the two-day CleanRoomCongress, which is organized by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik (International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology) and Concept Heidelberg.

PARTEC: small particles – a big issue in Nürnberg

PARTEC, the International Congress on Particle Technology parallel to POWTECH and TechnoPharm, attracted some 480 particle specialists to the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Just under 50 per cent of them came from abroad. Around

180 presentations and two poster sessions with altogether 190 poster presentations invited the experts to an intensive exchange of the latest scientific findings on subjects such as particle formation and characterization, measurement methods and diverse industrial applications for particles.


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Another great POWTECH 2013

Triple awards: focus on young researchers

The PARTEC Congress provided a top-class setting for the presentation of three awards. The VDI – Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen (VDI-GVC – Association of German Engineers – Association of Process and Chemical Engineering) presented the Friedrich Löffler Award to Dr. Sergiy Antonyuk for his outstanding research achievements in adhesions, deformation and breakage behaviour of agglomerates. The award to be presented every three years in future promotes young engineering scientists for their special achievements in the field of particle research, particle technology and product design. The award presented for the first time this year is worth 3,000 Euros.

On the second day of the congress, the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) paid tribute to Dr. Carlos Gonzlez Montellano with the Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids for his doctor’s thesis on “Applications of the discrete element method to the study of granular materials stored in silos and hoppers”. The award is presented to honour outstanding doctorates and is worth 1,500 euros.

The Best Poster Award donated by scientific publisher Elsevier went to Stefanie Wanka, a doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, for her presentation on “Development of a system measuring adhesion forces in powder collectives”. Her poster presentation convinced the jury with its high-quality research, clarity of content and impressive preparation. The prize is worth 250 dollars.

Save the date! The next POWTECH and TechnoPharm trade fair duo takes place in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 30 September to 2 October 2014.

Previous POWTECH Photo Galleries:

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