Capacity of Power Plant

Posted in: , on 6. Apr. 2013 - 15:52

Dear All,


I am going to ask you a question which you may can term as very silly and basic question. But some confusion and the discussion in the office lead me to put in front of you.

What does a 300 MW capacity Power Plant means...

Is it a capacity of generating 300 MW of electricity continuously for 1 hour


Is it the capacity of generating 300 MW of electricity in 1 Hour.

I request you all to go through the above and put your valuable views on it.

Shrinivas Bartakke

Thanks & Regards Shrinivas Bartakke ISGEC Heavy Engineering Ltd, Pune

Re: Capacity Of Power Plant

Erstellt am 6. Apr. 2013 - 02:58

Dear Shrinivas Bartakke,

You have to distinguish two units:

1)Power ( Energy per unit of time) in MW (MegaWatt)

2)Energy in MWh (MegaWatthour)

In formula:

Power = Energy/time


Energy = Power * time

In your example:

300MW = 300MWh/1hr


A power plant of (nominal or maximum) 300 MW can deliver 300 MWh in 1 hour


300 MWh can be delivered in 1 hour by a power plant of 300 MW

In 2 hours, this power plant can generate 2hrs * 300 MW = 600 MWh

Newton and thermodynamics.


