Spurious Problem in Pulley

Posted in: , on 15. Mar. 2013 - 07:01

Respected Seniors & Dear Friends,

Few Days back we came across a spurious problem in our take-up pulley & Bend Pulley.

The Shaft of pulley came out of plummber block by breaking the end cover on one side. Also, the Adapter Sleeve threaded portion and bearing mounting portion got sheared into 2 parts. Luckily the Bearings were not damaged.

We did the Centering of Pulley again and locked the same into its position.

One thing which I noticed that 2 Locating Rings were there on one side whereas 1 locating ring was there on outer side of second plummer block.

What I suppose is, since 1 locating was present on outer side of bearing this led to preventing of Shaft from expansion & hence the sleeve got damaged.

Requesting to please provide expert advise on above problem.

[B][COLOR="#0000FF"]Regards, DEEPAK OM. VERMA | +917574819539 | [email]deepakvermaa@hotmail.com[/email] |[/COLOR][/B]

Re: Spurious Problem In Pulley

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2013 - 12:43

The fixing rings are to be installed in one bearing housing only, the other bearing is considered the "FREE" bearing with NO fixing rings in the housing and is allowed to move axially inside the bearing housing due to expansion and contraction. Fixing one side of the "FREE" bearing will prevent axial movement in that direction and could cause damage as you describe. Only fully trained and qualified millwrights should be assembling the bearings on the pulley assembly.

You say "Luckily the Bearings were not damaged." but can you be 100% sure that there are no metal filings (from the other damage) that made their way into the bearings? For the cost of a couple of bearings vs cost of potential downtime if it were me I would be replacing the bearings.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Some Questions Please

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2013 - 03:02

Dear Mr. Deepak Vermaa,

could you establish the primary reason for the failure? Did the sleeve break and the pulley moved then? Or did the pulley shaft made movements after the adapter sleeve lost grip and then the whole assembly came off?

Did the sleeve break at the spot as marked in atached sketch, and was it of quality origin?

Thank you in advance for an answer everybody could learn a bit, perhaps...

Pls. check all other bearing arrangements for correct setting of the loc-rings! I support Mr. Blenkhorn on the opinion that bearings should be replaced. At least, they already did some hours, and then, they went through nonspec. operational conditions. Not every damage to a roller bearing may be seen from the outside.



Re: Spurious Problem In Pulley

Erstellt am 21. Mar. 2013 - 11:50

Respected Sir,

We didnt witness the failure hence cannot comment whether the sleeve break and the pulley moved then? Or did the pulley shaft made movements after the adapter sleeve lost grip and then the whole assembly came off?

Thanks for uploading the sketch. YES, the Sleeve broke exactly from the location marked in your sketch.

I apologise for not mentioning that though the bearings were not damaged, we have replaced both the bearings along with adapter sleeve, lock washer, lock nut and locating rings.

Is it advisable to bond/lock the Sleeve with the shaft by minor welding? This will prevent Adapter Sleeve losening and leaving shaft but what are the cons. of this?

After this incident, we have started inspection of all pulleys for correct setting of locating rings Sir.

[B][COLOR="#0000FF"]Regards, DEEPAK OM. VERMA | +917574819539 | [email]deepakvermaa@hotmail.com[/email] |[/COLOR][/B]
Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Weld Of Shaft

Erstellt am 22. Mar. 2013 - 07:49

Dear Mr. Deepak Vermaa,

thank you for answering back.

i would strongly disapprove of any welding to be done on a shaft, as shaft material is normally made from high strength steel which does not support welding so easily. The weld might even simply break out of the shaft / sleeve material from cold cracking, and the temptation to then make a bigger weld is to be considered. But even if the tack weld seems to be holding, pls. be aware, that every time one has to change / dismount the bearing, the tack weld must be erased, leading to damages on the shaft.

Another point: Pls. take care to source replacement materials, i. g. adapter sleeves etc. from reliable quality sources, as noname low cost materials might not be manufactured to the required strength nor standard.



Re: Spurious Problem In Pulley

Erstellt am 22. Mar. 2013 - 12:58

I agree with Roland 100% - never weld on a shaft. Many cons and definitely no pros.

Also make sure that the shaft bearing fit is machined to the exact tolerances as recommended by the bearing manufacturer. This will ensure that you get the proper clamping of the sleeve to the shaft. Also be sure to measure the bearing clearances during installation as recommended by the manufacturer so the fit is set properly.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Spurious Problem In Pulley

Erstellt am 25. Mar. 2013 - 12:44
Quote Originally Posted by Gary BlenkhornView Post
I agree with Roland 100% - never weld on a shaft. Many cons and definitely no pros.

Also make sure that the shaft bearing fit is machined to the exact tolerances as recommended by the bearing manufacturer. This will ensure that you get the proper clamping of the sleeve to the shaft. Also be sure to measure the bearing clearances during installation as recommended by the manufacturer so the fit is set properly.


Dear Verma

I have agreed Mr.Gary point. Kindly check the bearing tolerance while installation of Bearing . because i have faced such kind problem due to this mistake.