Odour Control Plant

Posted in: , on 14. Mar. 2013 - 02:28


Tobacco industry , for processing we use for steam several conditioning stages

each station dust+fume (odour ) , escape , we need to trap these and reduce temperature.

any one have experience in this kind machines or who are the world best odour plant manufactures?


uditha Kohowala


Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.

Erstellt am 14. Mar. 2013 - 07:48

Ask a tobacco machine supplier. That should be the best and only answer you need.

Once again, where many would have taken the hint, you are asking questions of a purely process nature. These forums are for bulk handling and, by and large, choose to remain so. Mineral process makes in roads as necessary for the clarification of certain topics. No way does conditioning tobacco fall into this category. It's not the first time and probably wont be the last....but you can expect the same sort of answer from this kid. (Sort of condensending.)

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Steam On

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2013 - 12:44

Dear Mr. uditha,

it is certainly correct that this is a rather far-sided issue on this forum, however i assume that you do continuous processing on chain conveyors where the chain belts give passage to the processing steam. The collection of steam is done under an extraction hood which must be designed to the correct length (process time) and extraction rate in order to enable process to take place. As the material is rather linked to the foodstuffs industry i'd like to point you into that direction.

