Logistic System for Fly Ash

Posted in: , on 1. Mar. 2013 - 02:41

Libran Engineering & Services got on more order from House of TATA. Now, Tata Power has given us the order, for the feasibility study, for suggesting best suitable option for transporting Fly Ash from one of their power plants in Gujarat to Mumbai Market. Earlier, Libran Got 5 orders from TMILL (A Tata Steel Co.) for development of Infrastructures like Jetties with Material Handling System for the movement of their raw material. Please visit our site www.libranengineerng.com for Appreciation Letter from Tata Group and other Groups also.

We will not Shy, to share the information that, this is mainly due to the Hon. members of this forum who have been giving us their advise on Bulk Material Handling Field.

Regards, Anil Seth


Libran Engineering & Services

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