Tyre Recycling Machine

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 26. Feb. 2013 - 12:42

Tyre recycling machine used to recycle tyres, which are not usable for long time due to any type of damages. With this machine we can make some useful thing that are usable and also can help to make our environment clear.

Re: Tyre Recycling Machine

Erstellt am 26. Feb. 2013 - 05:50

Could you please further elaborate ?


Re: Tyre Recycling Machine

Erstellt am 26. Feb. 2013 - 06:38


He is a spammer that had his nested links in his signature removed. This is a typical way they sneakily do business. By Copy & Paste information that really means nothing but they embed links to their websites. We frown very heavily on that type of tactic.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Tyre Recycling Machine

Erstellt am 27. Feb. 2013 - 05:13

Thank you Mr.Gary.

I am interested to know how the conveyor belts are recycled. I have been told that they are used in quarries for lighter duty applications, after slitting into smaller width.

Further, i read that oil can be extracted from plastic items. Study is under progress to fly the planes also.

There are studies to recycle the conveyor belts also.
