Dense Phase System Manufacturer

Posted in: , on 25. Jan. 2013 - 13:34

Dense Phase System

Applications ::

Dense Phase Pressure Conveying Systems are particularly suitable for systems, which convey materials at high capacities over long distances, to multiple destinations. Most systems include several air control valves and the high pressure compressed air supply is able to overcome the pressure drop generated by the most difficult materials, while also providing controlled conveying for friable materials. The lower convey velocities also extend the service life for systems conveying abrasive materials.

Convey Rates:High, up to 100 tonnes/hr or higher

Convey Velocities: Low, 1-10 m/s

Convey Distances: High, up to 500m or longer

Air Mover: Compressor (Screw, rotary, reciprocating)

Operating Pressure: Up to 8 Bar g

Material/Air Ratios: high, up to 150 kg/kg

Note All values approximate, refer Nu-Con for advice about how to convey your product. For more details visit us at:

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