UWT Whitepaper on Level Control

Posted in: , on 4. Jan. 2013 - 13:25

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3rd Place for UWT Whitepaper Level Control in Bulk Solids

Award for Top 5 Whitepapers Best of Process 2012

What were the most read whitepapers on process.de in 2012?

The users of process.de have voted.

The top places have been awarded to the most viewed whitepapers by the users of PROCESS.de.

UWT has been awarded 3rd place for the whitepaper "Level control in bulk solids" in Best of Digital (Source: PROCESS - Best of Products 2012).

You find the link to this popular whitepaper in the attachment below under "UWTWhitepaper-en.pdf ".


UWT is the expert for "Ingeniously simple level measurement in bulk solids". We develop and produce instruments for level measurement in bulk solids. Since 35 years, we have been successful with reliable and high quality level measurement systems in all kind of industries e.g. building, animal feeds, food, chemical, plastics etc.

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uwt_whitepaper-en (PDF)

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