Foam Generator Manufacturers

Posted in: , on 13. Dec. 2012 - 13:45

Why use clc light weight bricks or foam concrete bricks?

Clc is cellular weight blocks where we can use for load bearing structure and frame structure .its a other alternative for red brick and fly-ash bricks.Why

we use clc bricks?

1)Clc is a light weight brick where water absorption is less compare to redbrick and fly-ash brick

2)High thermal insulation

3)Compressive strength is more than other bricks

4)environmental friendly

5)Quantity of cement is less when making a wall why because

6) clc bricks life span is more than other bricks

Clc block size can make according to our requirements

In India generally block can make

Clc Size per cubic meter

4*8*24 83 clc blocks

6*8*24 55 clc blocks

9*8*24 50 clc blocks

If we take one clc block size red bricks comes around for each clc block

4*8*24 7.1

6*8*24 10.6

How we compare clc bricks with red bricks when we meet customer ?

If we take the size 4*8*24

market price now in India is 3500Rs per each cubic meter

Red bricks market price now in India is 2357Rs per each cubic meter its varies city to city .

So the first question comes from customer why i spend more money for clc bricks?

Here is the solution

Take an example:

1 unit wall brick construction with clc and red brick

Clc bricks for 1 unit wall construction red bricks for 1 unit wall construction

Clc bricks for 1 unit wall construction Red bricks for 1 unit wall construction

1) clc bricks for 1 unit wall around 75 bricks 1) red bricks for 1unit wall comes comes around 560 bricks

2) quantity of cement and sand requires for motor 1unit wall

cement : 1 bag cement

sand : 4bag sand

price : 300Rs for cement

100 Rs for sand


Total 400 Rs/-

----------------------------------- 2) quantity of cement and sand requires for motor 1unit wall

cement : 2.5 bag cement

sand : 10 bag sand

price : 625 Rs cement

250 Rs for sand


Total 875 Rs /-


3) Plastering:

inch plastering is Enough

Cement : 1.5 bag cement

Sand : 6 bag sand

Price : 450 Rs for cement

150 Rs for sand


Total 600 Rs/-

----------------------------------- 3) Plastering:

1.5 inches plastering is needed

Cement : 3.5 bag cement

Sand : 14 bag sand

Price : 940 Rs for cement

350 Rs for sand


Total 1300 Rs/-


Total cost for plastering and motor joints For clc bricks

600 + 400 = 1000Rs

Total cost for plastering and motor joints

For red bricks

1300 + 875 = 2175Rs

Red bricks for 1 unit wall price is

4 * 560 = 2240RsClc bricks for 1 unit wall price is

45*75 =3375Rs If we subtract clc price from red brick price





Now add plastering and motor joints price

Ie 2175





So at the end of the 1 unit wall construction the price we are spending for red bricks as almost same as clc bricks apart from that contractor can construct the building less time then red brick construction. So finally customer can happy

To get good product in the market to build is home

Note : The above calculation we are giving for construction a building with clc its varies cities and cities .

(not verified)

Re: Foam Generator Manufacturers

Erstellt am 1. Mar. 2013 - 06:34

The typical foam generator runs from an air compressor and consists of a holding (filler) tank, foaming unit and a lance unit. The purpose of the holding tank is to hold the diluted foaming agent and subsequently deliver it through a foaming unit and lance. It is normally in a the form of a pressurized tank and needs to be closed tight for operation. The volume of foam obtained from such a system depends very much on the size of these tanks. For large volumes it is impractical to use the tank system since it is bulky to carry about. Large capacity holding tanks are heavy and cumbersome for smaller scale on site production. They are also attached to the foaming unit and lance in such a way that it would be virtually impossible to detach it for future modification.----

Rabid Response

Erstellt am 2. Mar. 2013 - 02:34

Endless dope about bricklaying almost got me foaming at the mouth.

If I knew what was going down I'd tell sourceinfratec and stevenwang because they surely don't know.

But: sourceinfratec, I don't use any mortar for bricklaying. I went on a bricklaying course in Saath Efrika and do face brickwork. Recently I went to to Bali to learn the traditional brick bonding technology. If you really want to save cement, go to Bali. I'm also rather good at erecting bamboo scaffolding: even more economy. Well its as relevant as the rest of the rubbish on this thread.