Matcon Conferences in Australia

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MATCON “do the double” in Australia

Lean manufacturing techniques are gaining momentum globally within the powder processing industries. With this in mind, Matcon Pacific recently ran two "Lean Powders Handling” Conferences at The Sebel Parramatta Hotel in Sydney and Rydges on Swanston Hotel in Melbourne.

The conference objectives were for attendees to:-

•Learn about Matcon’s “Lean” Powder Handling Philosophy

•Familiarize themselves with Matcon’s latest Products and Turnkey Solutions

•Gain an understanding of how to implement “Lean” principles at their manufacturing plants.

The main focus of each event was to help clients achieve increased productivity, reduce inventory, process flexibility and be better equipped to stay ahead of their competition.


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Matcon Melbourne Conference

Over 60 delegates attended during the two conferences, representing 33 different companies from a variety of industries including Food, Metal Powders, Refractories, Animal Health and Pharmaceutical. A combination of local and global organisations attended including AB Mauri, Cerebos, Cereform, Danisco, Amtrade, Massel, BASF, Calderys, Oppenheimer, Simplot, Edlyn Foods and Fibrisol.

The event covered presentations by Matcon on Lean Theory and Parallel Processing, Lean Formulation, Lean Mixing and Lean B2B Packing. John Nesbitt of leading control system supplier Wayahead Systems presented the latest in Ingredients Tracking and Pawel Czystaw of Packaging Machine manufacturer Boatopack addressed Lean FMCG Packing.


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Matcon Sydney Conference

Positive feedback was received from many attendees on the topics covered during the event; a summary of these include:-

“Well done guys, very informative”

“Enjoyed images of machine in operation and variation in topics and presenters”

“Very interesting, very professional”

Concluding the event, 6 delegates won a copy of best-selling book “The Goal” written by Dr. Eli Goldratt. It captures the new global principles of manufacturing and includes a series of case interviews exploring how global organisations have been transformed by Dr. Goldratt’s ideas.

To find out how Matcon IBC Technology can help you achieve a 'Lean' powder process operation, please contact Matcon Group Sales Director Hans Pettersson or Matcon Pacific Business Development Director, Dave Newell.

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