Colombia Mining 2012

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Colombia Minera 2012 International Trade Show

Medellin, Colombia

October 17 - 19, 2012

• Colombia Minera is one of the most important annual mining events across the Andean Region and South America.

• Colombia’s mining boom is beginning with a fully engaged exploration boom

• 80 mineral deposits are presently being developed

• Canadian exploration companies are managing 2/3 of these developments

• 5 underground mining properties are in an advanced stage of development

• Medellin is the center of the mining industry

• The recently signed Colombia/Canada free trade agreement offers unprecedented opportunities for Canadian companies

The mining boom is on!

• Recent visitors compare the Colombian mining industry as vibrant as Peru in the mid 1990s

• Colombia is recognized as one of the most prospective, yet under-explored countries in the world, and provides an attractive blend of gold, copper and silver deposit discovery potential.

• Colombia has the largest coal reserves in Latin America, as well as containing substantial reserves of iron ore nickel, gold and copper.

• 8,000 visitors attended Colombia Mineria in 2011, from around the world. Expect even more this year.

• We expect 24 visiting exhibitors from Canada’s supply, services and junior mining sector

• Monday evening networking event

• Matchmaking service (get your profiles in early!)


CAMESE - Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export

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