Starch Conveying Applications

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 16. Aug. 2012 - 12:59


I am doing a project on starch conveying applications.

My company manufactures pressure pneumatic conveyors and is trying to explore new industries where the PCS can be used.

Starch is one of the products under consideration.I found out that starch has applications in paper making, adhesives,printing industry.

I need to know if there is a scope of installing pneumatic conveyors in these industries, and the processes where PCS can be installed.

Help Please.

Starch And Rotary Valves

Erstellt am 13. May. 2013 - 08:14

starch in certain conditions and plant is a head ache, especially rotary valves as it cakes up and friction causes it to turn into a Hard resin type substances and seize up rotary valves! We use it in the food industry and we pneumatically convey it!

Re: Starch Conveying Applications

Erstellt am 15. May. 2013 - 04:28
Quote Originally Posted by ankishiraniView Post

I am doing a project on starch conveying applications.

My company manufactures pressure pneumatic conveyors and is trying to explore new industries where the PCS can be used.

Starch is one of the products under consideration.I found out that starch has applications in paper making, adhesives,printing industry.

I need to know if there is a scope of installing pneumatic conveyors in these industries, and the processes where PCS can be installed.

Help Please.

Dear Ankishirani,

You can solve this problem by installing a well-designed system for venting out the rotary valve's end-clearance and circumferential leakage air. This system will maintain sufficient air flow through these passages to entrain the powder and prevent its build up.

You may contact me if you need help on the design of this system.


Amrit Agarwal

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting

