Glossary of Terms in Powder & Bulk Technology

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Glossary of Terms in Powder & Bulk Technology


Bulk solids play a vital role in human society, permeating almost all industrial activities and dominating many. Bulk technology embraces many disciplines, yet does not fall within the domain of a specific professional activity such as mechanical or chemical engineering. It has emerged comparatively recently as a coherent subject with tools for quantifying flow related properties and the behaviour of solids in handling and process plant. The lack of recognition of the subject as an established format with monumental industrial implications has impeded education in the subject. Minuscule coverage is offered within most university syllabuses. This situation is reinforced by the acceptance of empirical maturity in some industries and the paucity of quality textbooks available to address its enormous scope and range of application. Industrial performance therefore suffers.

The British Materials Handling Board perceived the need for a Dictionary of Terms in Particle Technology as an introductory tool for non-specialists, newcomers and students in this subject. Co-incidentally, a draft of a Glossary of Terms in Particulate Solids was in compilation. This concept originated as a project of the Working Part for the Mechanics of Particulate Solids, in support of a web site initiative of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers. The Working Party decided to confine the glossary on the EFCE web site to terms relating to bulk storage, flow of loose solids and relevant powder testing. Lyn Bates, the UK industrial representative to the WPMPS leading this Glossary task force, decided to extend this work to cover broader aspects of particle and bulk technology and the BMHB arranged to publish this document as a contribution to the dissemination of information in this important field of industrial activity.

The value of the Glossary is seen as being particularly useful to newcomers to this broad subject. Explanations are provided for key terms in the various sections that merit a deeper appreciation than a strict basic definition. Suggestions are also included for preferred terms that eliminate ambiguity or misinterpretation. A universality of expressions for use in technical documents and publications is also an implicit aim. It is inevitable that within the wide range of terms included will be some that merit a more comprehensive or different description, and undoubtedly there are a formidable number of exclusions that would enhance the list. The publishers are not responsibility for any errors, omissions or statements made in this publication. The information is presented for information only and is not intended for action without independent substantiating investigation on the part of a potential user. The definitions are presented by the author as collated from wide sources and not necessarily endorsed by the British Materials Handling Board or its publishers.

The work is dedicated to C.K.Andrews, who lit the path of professionalism for the author.

Other books by Lyn Bates include:‘User guide to Segregation’, published by BMHB and ‘Guide to the Design, Selection and Application of Screw Feeders’ published by the I.Mech.E.

This Glossary was prepared by Lyn Bates for The British Materials Handling Board (BMHB ), which gave permission to reproduce this highly valuable material on The Powder/Bulk Portal.

This publication is copyright to the BMHB under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright Convention. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act, 1988, no part may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically, electrical, chemical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Unlicensed multiple copying of the contents of this publication is illegal. Enquiries should be addressed to: - The Secretary, British Materials Handling Board, 14 Moss Manor, The Avenue, Sale, Cheshire. M33.

Glossary Of Terms In Powder & Bulk Technology

Erstellt am 14. Jun. 2012 - 04:10

BS EN 741:2000, Continuous handling equipment and systems- Safety and EMC requirements for

systems and their components for pneumatic handling of bulk material

B.S. EN 933:, Test for the geometrical properties of aggregates. Determination of particle size distribution.

Part 1:1997, Sieving method.

Part 2:1996, Test sieves. Normal size of apertures.

Part 3:2001, Assessment of fines. Grading of fillers.(air jet sieving).

B.S. EN 1015-1:1999, Method of test for mortar for masonry. Determination of particle size distribution.

(by sieve analysis).

BS EN 1093Safety of machinery. Evaluating the emission of airborne hazardous substances. Selection

of test methods.

B.S. EN 24497:1993, Metallic powders. Determination of particle size by dry sieving.

99/123348 DC B.S. ISO 13318-1, Determination of particle size by centrifugal liquid sedimentation

methods. Part 1, General principals and guidelines. (ISO/DIS 13318.1).

99/402492 DC. Determination of particle size distribution. Single particle light interaction method.

Part 1. Light interaction considerations .B.S. ISO 13323-1).

00/120697 DC ISO/DIS 13318-2 Determination of particle size by centrifugal liquid sedimentation

methods. Part 2. photocentrifugal method).

00/122547 DC BS/ISO 13338-3 Determination of particle size by centrifugal liquid sedimentation

methods. Part 3. Centrifugal X ray method.

00/562027 DC ISO 17090-3 Polymer based absorbent materials. Measuement of characteristics.

Part 3, determination of particle size distribution by sieve fractionation

01/120730 DC BS ISO 13323-2 Determination of particle size distribution. Single particle light interaction

methodPart 2. Light scattering single particle interaction device design, performance,

specification and operation requirements

01/120731 DC BS ISO 13323-2 Determination of particle size distribution. Single particle light interaction

methodPart 3.Single particle light-extinguishing device design, performance,

specification and operation requirements

01/124616 DC BS ISO 2926, Aluminium oxide primarily used for the manufacture of aluminium.. Particle size analysis (45 micro m to 150 micro m) Test method using electroformed sieves

Federation Europeenne de la manutention, (FEM), - Section II, List of bulk products

Silos – Draft design code for silos, bins, bunkers and hoppers.

B.S. ISO 10725:2000, Acceptance sampling plans and processes for inspecting bulk materials.

B.S. ISO 11648:2000, Statistical aspects of sampling from bulk materials.

Part 2., Sampling of particulate materials. ISO/DIS.11648-21

92/70320 DC, Specification for continuous handling equipment and systems. Equipment for handling both unit loads and bulk materials. Special safety requirements for design, manufacture, erection and commissioning.

92/70322:2000, Specification for continuous handling equipment and systems. Equipment for handling bulk materials only, (including mobile machines). Special safety requirements for design, manufacture, erection and commissioning.

Directive 99/45/ECWeighting of risk phases

Directive 67/548/EECCriteria and data interpretation that are used for classification

ANSI(Z2400.1-1993)Structure of format for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) prepared by: -

The American National Standards Institute, (accepted in USA, Mexico and Canada.).

Glossary Of Terms In Powder & Bulk Technology

Erstellt am 14. Jun. 2012 - 04:11

Appendix III - Andrew W. Jenike

No publication listing terms relating to bulk solids would be complete without reference to Jenike, who publication 1964, Bull.123 of the Utah University Experimental Station, is the most widely quoted references in any publication or Conference relating to Bulk Technology. This document laid the foundation for understanding the flow and behaviour of loose solids and introduced a theory, measuring technique and design formula for modern hopper design.

Before the work no significant strides had been made in this field since Janssen’s one and only paper on silo pressures in 1895. By contrast, Andrew Jenike and his research student Jerry Johanson went on from this pioneering work to develop these and other concepts and introduce practical applications through a host of industries that handle particulate materials. The contribution to industrial efficiency by major and many minor users of bulk materials is immense.

This tribute to his skill and insight is extended to the dedication with which he pursued the ideas. Having selected the subject from a personal analysis that reviewed the outstanding industrial problems of the day he dedicated his career to understanding and providing a solution to solids flow problems. From first hand experience at US steel, he realised that the empirical methods in use for the design of bulk storage hoppers and silos did not address the fundamental nature of the material being handled. His timely attention to the technology, and ability to read Russian for the interpretation of a crucial technical paper, fell into place with the fortunate choice of a talented student, Johanson, to aid the mathematical and practical workshop demands.

From completing the ground breaking thesis, Andrew and Jerry went on to found the consulting organisation, Jenike and Johanson Inc. that continues today. Jerry brought a number of innovative developments to the market and continuous to apply his experience to industrial problems and developments. Their work spawned centres of specialisation in many countries through the world. In Germany it furthered the thorough, but less prominent, work of Hans Rumf and his co-workers. UK formed schools of particle and powder technology under Brian Scarlett and John Williams, whilst bulk handling in Australia was advanced under the methodical analyst Alan Roberts and his co-worker, Peter Arnold. A trail of enthused devotes to the subject has made an international change in industrial performance well out of proportion to their numbers.

The challenges are far from complete. The sheer scale of application may be contemplated by the fact the almost half the products used and consumed by society is, or has been at some time, in particulate form and that there are invariable multiple occasions that these products and stored and handled from source to use. Broad education in the subject, at least in a basic form, is a monumental task to bring awareness of the both the benefits of good design and the hazards, both financial and personal, of operational failure because of apparently simple and inexpensive capital items. The technology itself embraces many disciplines and demands refinement in many areas, such as evaluation and quantification techniques. Greater tests lie ahead. The glowing opportunities beckoning from nano-technology has to be soberly countered with the realisation that these particles not only have to be made, but then handled in a reliable manner. The ingenuity of man is far from exhausted, but will continue to be well tested.

Glossary Of Terms In Powder & Bulk Technology

Erstellt am 14. Jun. 2012 - 04:13

List of Terms

abrasivenessSection 5

absolute powder densitySection 3

absolute powder volume Section 3

absorptionSection 3

accuracySection 1

acicularSection 7

active stressSection 12

actual gas velocitySection 14

adhesionSection 12

adsorbateSection 9

adsorbed waterSection 1

adsorbentSection 9

adsorptionSection 9

adsorption hysteresisSection 9

adsorption isothermSection 9

adsorption surface areaSection 9

adsorptiveSection 9

aerated bulk density Section 3

aerationSection 1

aerodynamic diameterSection 5

aeroflow testerSection 12

aerosolSection 1

agglomerate Section 3

air-retarded flowSection 13

air retentionSection 14

Ajax cohesion testerSection 12

Ajax tensile testerSection 12

analysis sampleSection 11

Andreasen pipetteSection 11

anisotropicSection 1

angle of effective yield locusSection 12

angle of internal frictionSection 12

angle of obliquity Section 12

angle of reposeSection 12

angle of wall frictionSection 12

angularSection 7

anisotrophySection 12

annular attrition cellSection 12

annular shear cellSection 12

ANSI MSDS FormatSection 12

aperture sizeSection 11

apparent particle densitySection 5

apparent particle volumeSection 6

apparent powder densitySection 3

apparent powder volumeSection 3

archingSection 13

area, calculated surfaceSection 9

area, permeability surfaceSection 9

Arizona test (road) dustSection 2

aspect ratioSection 7

ASTM Standard D – 6128.Section 12

asymmetric flowSection 13

atomised powderSection 2

attributesSection 12

attritionSection 1

attrition testSection 11

autocorrelation spectroscopySection 11

avalanche testerSection 12

avalanchingSection 13

average gas velocitySection 14

background (of image analysis)Section 10

ballotiniSection 2

barrel sectionSection 1

BCIRA dust samplerSection 11

BCURA sampling trainSection 11

BCURA sedimentationSection 11

bed Section 1

bed flowSection 13

bed porositySection 3

BET surface areaSection 9

biaxial compressionSection 1

biaxial state of stressSection 1

biaxial shear testerSection 12

big bagSection 1

binSection 1

bin activatorSection 13

binary imageSection 10

binder Section 1

Bingham plasticSection 1

Binsert®Section 13

Blain finenessSection 5

Blain permeameter Section 11

blending Section 4

blindingSection 3

blobSection 10

blinded bendSection 14

BMHBSection 12

body forceSection 1

body sectionSection 1

boiling fluid bedSection 4

Bond work indexSection 5

Boolian operationSection 10

Bostock’s sedimentation balanceSection 11

boulder Section 6

Boundbrook photsedimentometerSection 11

bridge widthSection 11

bridgingSection 13

Brownian motionSection 5

bubble point Section 11

buffered line start method Section 11

bulk Section 3

bulk densitySection 12

Bulk Materials Handling CommitteeSection 12

bullet insert Section 13

bunkerSection 1

C test dustSection 2

cakingSection 13

caking testerSection 12

calcined powderSection 2

calciningSection 4

calculated surface areaSection 9

calibration Section 11

calibration factor Section 11

calibration materialSection 2

capture zoneSection 4

capillarity Section 1

carbonyl powderSection 2

Carr’s compressibility indexSection 12

cascade impacter Section 11

cavitationSection 1

cavitySection 7

CEMA Section 12

cementationSection 4

cenospheres Section 2

centrifugal classification Section 11

centrifugal disc photosedimentometer Section 11

centrifugal elutriation Section 11

centrifugal sedimentation Section 11

certified reference materialSection 2

chemisorptionSection 9

chipSection 6

chokingSection 14

classification, (or particles)Section 5

classification, (of bulk solids) Section 12

classified grading, of lump sizeSection 6

claySection 2

clean roomSection 1

cleavageSection 5

close (of image analysis)Section 10

closed poreSection 8

C/M/R substancesSection 1

coagulantSection 1

coagulationSection 5

coalescenceSection 5

coefficient of compressionSection 3

coefficient of consolidationSection 3

coefficient of frictionSection 3

coefficient of permeabilitySection 3

coefficient of uniformitySection 3

coherent flowSection 13

cohesionSection 12

cohesive archingSection 13

cohesive strengthSection 13

cold pressingSection 4

colloidSection 1

comminutionSection 4

compactSection 4

compact, greenSection 4

compact, sinteredSection 4

compactionSection 12

compaction, biaxialSection 12

compaction, isostatic Section 12

compaction, uniaxialSection 12

compound stressSection 12

compressibility Section 12

compression index Section 1

compression ratioSection 3

compressive stress Section 1

composition, of bulkSection 12

cone and quarteringSection 11

‘Cone-in-Cone’ insertSection 13

conical flowSection 13

confined flowsection 13

consolidated, overSection 12

consolidated, criticalSection 12

consolidated, underSection 12

consolidationSection 1

consolidation locusSection 12

contamination classesSection 11

convective mixingSection 13

converging mass flow Section 13

convex perimeterSection 7

conveyor line exit velocitySection 14

core flowSection 13

Coulter counter (method) Section 11

creep Section 1

critical arching diameterSection 13

critical densitySection 1

critical consolidationSection12

critical rathole diameterSection13

critical sample sizeSection12

critical stateSection12

critical state lineSection12

critical void ratioSection12

CRM 116Section 2

crystalSection 7

crystalline powderSection 2

crystallineSection 7

C test dustSection 2

cumulative oversize distribution plotSection 6

cumulative undersize distribution plotSection 6

cut (of image analysisSection10

cut (of particle separation)Section 4

cylindricalSection 7

cyclosizer Section 11

D10Section 6

D60Section 6

dead region (of flow)Section 13

dead-space, adsorbateSection 9

de-aerationSection 13

de-aeration constantSection 13

deformation, elasticSection 12

deformation plasticSection 12

de-flocculationSection 5

delineationSection 10

deliquescentSection 1

dendriticSection 7

dense phase Section 14

density distributionSection 6

density, aerated bulkSection 3

density, apparent particleSection 5

density, apparent powderSection 12

density, bulkSection 12

density, effective particleSection 5

density, effective solidSection 12

density, greenSection 12

density, immersed particleSection 5

density, immersedSection 12

density, pouredSection 12

density, pressedSection 12

density, settledSection 12

density tappedSection 12

density, trueSection 5

desorbantSection 9

detectionSection 10

deviator stressSection 12

diameter, diffusionSection 6

diameter, equivalent, diffractionSection 6

diameter, equivalent, free-fallingSection 6

diameter, equivalent perimeterSection 6

diameter, equivalent sphereSection 6

diameter, equivalent surface Section 6

diameter, equivalent volumeSection 6

diameter, Ferrets Section 6

diameter, MartinsSection 6

diameter, maximum chordSection 6

diameter, meanSection 6

diameter, medianSection 6

diameter, modalSection 6

diameter, projected area Section 6

diameter, sievingSection 6

diameter, specific surfaceSection 6

diameter, specific volumeSection 6

diameter, Stokes’Section 6

diatomateous earth Section 2

differential distribution plotSection 6

diffraction Section 11

diffraction pattern Section 11

diffusion diameterSection 6

diffusive mixingSection 13

dilatant suspensionSection 1

dilateSection 10

dilatationSection 1

dilated bedSection 13

dilute phaseSection 14

discontinuous surfaceSection 12

direct method of measurementSection 11

disintergrantSection 1

dispersative quotientSection 10

dispersionSection 5

dispersitySection 6

distribution, massSection 6

distribution, numberSection 6

distribution, particle sizeSection 6

distribution, volumeSection 6

diatomatious earthSection 2

DOP testSection 11

drained coneSection 13

drained reposeSection 13

dry inertial collectorsSection 4

dry sievingSection 11

dune flowSection 14

dustSection 2

dynamic archingSection 13

dynamic frictionSection 3

dynamic rangeSection 6

dynamic reposeSection 13

Eagle Pincher photosedimentometer Section 11

eccentric flowSection 13

edgeSection 10

edge enhancementSection 10

Eel photosedimentometerSection 11

effective angle of frictionSection 12

effective particle densitySection 5

effective permeability, mass specific surfaceSection 9

effective permeability, vol. specific surfaceSection 9

effective solid densitySection 12

effective solid volumeSection 12

effective transitionSection 13

effective yield locusSection 12

elastic limitSection 1

elastic state of equilibriumSection 1

elastic strain energySection 1

elasto-plasticSection 1

electrical sensing zone methodSection 11

electrokinetic potentialSection 5

electrophorietic mass transportSection 11

electrostatic precipitators Section 4

elevatorSection 12

elutriationSection 11

elutriation, centrifugalSection 11

emulsionSection 1

end point, of testSection 11

end point, of yield locusSection 12

ending gas velocitySection 14

entrainment patternSection 1

envelope volumeSection 6

equilibrium adsorption pressureSection 9

equivalent free-falling diameterSection 6

equivalent settling diameterSection 6

equivalent surface diameterSection 6

equivalent surface levelSection 1

equivalent volume diameterSection 6

erode Section 10

expanded bedSection 4

expanded flowSection 13

eyepiece graticuleSection 10

fabric filtersSection 4

factor, recoverySection 12

factor, springSection 12

failureSection 1

failure criterionSection 1

false colourSection 10

feederSection 1

Feret’s diameterSection 6

FIBCSection 1

fibrousSection 7

fieldSection 10

fill weightSection 12

filling Section 10

filter cake Section 2

filter porositySection 1

Fine sandSection 12

finesSection 6

fines expressionSection 13

Fisher numberSection 6

Fisher sub-sieve sizer Section 11

flakeSection 7

flakiness ratioSection 7

flakySection 7

flocc, floc; flocculateSection 1

flocculationSection 5

floodingSection 13

flowSection 13

flow channelSection 13

flow factorSection 12

flow functionSection 12

flow insertsSection 13

flow regimeSection 13

flow patternSection 13

flow, steady stateSection 13

flowability Section 13

fluidSection 1

fluid bedSection 4

fluidisationSection 13

fluidisation, aptitude of a productSection 13

fluidisation, minimum speed of,Section 13

fluidisingSection 4

flushingSection 13

fly ashSection 2

formation stressesSection 12

foulingSection 5

Fox and Parekh permeamenterSection 11

fractionsSection 1

free air deliveredSection 14

frame, (of image analysis)Section 10

frame, (of particle sizing)Section 11

Frauhofer diffractionSection 11

Free air velocitySection 14

free-fall velocitySection 5

free-falling diameter, equivalentSection 6

free flowingSection 13

Freeman rheometerSection 12

frequency distribution plot Section 6

friabilitySection 3

fumeSection 1

fumed powderSection 2

funnel flowSection 13

Gausisian distributionSection 1

Geldarts classification Section 13

globularSection 7

Gooden and Smith permeameter Section 11

Goring-Kerr PhotosedimentometerSection 11

gradingSection 6

granularSection 7

granulationSection 4

graticule, eyepieceSection 10

gravelSection 3

gravity flowSection 13

gravity sedimentationSection 11

green compactSection 4

grey area haloSection 10

gritSection 2

hardnessSection 5

hang-up indicizerSection 12

halo errorSection 10

halo fillingSection 10

Haultain infrasizerSection 4

Hausner ratioSection 3

Hausner shape factorSection 7

hazardsSection 12

health hazard rankingSection 1

Helos defraction pattern analyserSection 10

HEPA filterSection 1

heterodisperse systemSection 6

hetrogeneous materialSection 1

Heywood elongation ratioSection 7

Heywood flakiness ratioSection 7

Heywood shape factorSection 7

Hitatchi scanning photosedimentometerSection 11

homogeneous materialSection 1

homogeneous suspensionSection 1

homogenisationSection 1

homogenisingSection 4

homogenising hopperSection 13

homogenising siloSection 13

hopperSection 1

hopper half angleSection 1

hopper sectionSection 1

Hosokawa TestsSection 12

hot pressingSection 4

Hvorslev surfaceSection 1

hydrodynamic clusterSection 3

hydrogen reduced powder Section 2

hydrophilic Section 2

hydrophobicSection 2

hydrostatic pressureSection 2

hygroscopicSection 1

hysteresis Section 1

iconometrics Section 10

IBCSection 1

image analysisSection 10

image enhancementSection 10

image frameSection 10

image processingSection 10

immersed particle densitySection 5

impact penetrationSection 13

impact testSection 11

impaction samplingSection 11

impactorSection 11

impinger Section 11

incipient failureSection 12

IndicizerSection 12

indirect method of measurementSection 11

instantaneous yield locusSection 12

‘ink bottle’ poreSection 8

inserts, flowSection 13

instantaneous compactionSection 12

instantaneous yield locusSection 12

internal frictionSection 12

intensity of segregationSection 13

intensity of variation Section 1

internal flowSection 13

intersticeSection 1

interstitial Section 1

interstitial gas velocitySection 14

inversion procedureSection 11

inversionSection 10

irregularSection 7

isokinetic sampleSection 11

ISO scale number Section 11

isometricSection 7

isostatic compactionSection 12

isotherm, adsorptionSection 9

isotropicSection 1

Jenike AndrewSection 1

Jenike cellSection 12

Jenike & Johanson quality control testSection 12

Jenike testSection 12

jet impacter Section 11

Johanson indicizerSection 12

Johanson porosity tester Section 12

Johanson wall frictiontester Section 12

Joyce-Loebel centrifuge Section 11

Kaye disc centifuge Section 11

Knudsen flowSection 9

Knudsen flow permeametrySection 11

konimeter Section 11

Kozeny-Carman equation Section 9

lamellarSection 7

laminar flowSection 1

latex particlesSection 1

lattice structureSection 8

lean phaseSection 14

Lee and Nurse permeameter Section 11

lengthSection 6

Leschonski pipette equipment Section 11

levigation Section 11

lid, cover Section 11

Limitations DirectiveSection 12

Limestone CRM-116Section 12

Limitations DirectiveSection 12

line start technique Section 11

liquefaction Section 1

live flowSection 13

load/compaction testSection 12

Log-normal distributionSection 1

Lotzch PermeameterSection 11

lump size gradingSection 6

lump form sizeSection 6

macroporeSection 8

major principal stressSection 3

major consolidating stressSection 12

manometer Section 11

margin Section 11

Martin’s diameterSection 6

mass diameterSection 6

mass flowSection 13

mass flow binSection 13

mass flow bunkerSection 13

mass flow hopperSection 13

mass flow siloSection 13

major consolidation stressSection 12

material mass flow rateSection 14

Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)Section 12

material velocitySection 14

mean gas velocitySection 14

mean particle sizeSection 6

mean stressSection 12

measurement frameSection 10

measuring rangeSection 1

mechanical archingSection 12

median diameterSection 6

mesoporeSection 8

micromerograph Section 11

micrometerSection 10

micrometre (m)Section 1

micronSection 1

microporeSection 8

milled powderSection 2

minimum conveying velocitySection 14

minimum fluidisation velocitySection 4

minor principal stressSection 3

mixed flowSection 13

modal diameterSection 6

modularSection 7

Mohr circleSection 12

Mohr’s scale of hardnessSection 5

moisture contentSection 12

molecular cross-sectional areaSection 9

molecular Knudsen flowSection 9

mono-axial cellSection 12

monodisperse systemSection 6

monolayer amountSection 9

monolayer capacitySection 9

monolithSection 1

MSDSSection 12

multi-poreSection 8

nanometre (nm)Section 1

nano technologySection 1

natural powderSection 2

needle-likeSection 7

negative void pressureSection 12

noduleSection 7

noiseSection 11

non-classified gradeSection 6

non-mass flowSection 13

normal distribution Section 1

normal stressSection 1

normallised stressSection 12

number distributionSection 6

objectSection 10

open poreSection 8

open (of image analysis) Section 10

oscillating hopper sample divider Section 3

Ostwald ripeningSection 5

out-of-roundSection 7

over-consolidatedSection 12

oversizeSection 6

parent populationSection 3

particleSection 1

particle adhesionSection 1

particle densitySection 5

particle density, trueSection 5

particle diameter, equivalentSection 6

particle, effective Section 1

particle size distributionSection 6

particle size, meanSection 6

particle volume, apparentSection 6

particle density, effectiveSection 5

particle, primarySection 1

particulateSection 1

particulate bedSection 1

particulate solidSection 1

particulate structureSection 1

passive stressSection 12

pegging Section 4

pelletSection 4

percentage open area Section 11

percolationSection 13

perforated plate Section 11

perimeter diameter, equivalentSection 6

period of scrutiny Section 2

permeabilitySection 3

permeability surface areaSection 9

permeameter Section 11

Peschl shear cellSection 12

phaseSection 1Page 10

photo correlation Section 11

photosedimentometer Section 11

pick up velocitySection 14

picture pointSection 10

pipe flowSection 13

pipette centrifugeSection 11

pipingSection 13

pitch Section 11

pixelSection 10

plane stressSection 12

plain weave Section 11

planar repose surfaceSection 12

plane flow Section 13

plate thickness Section 11

plug flowSection 14

points of co-ordinationSection 1

Poison’s ratioSection 1

polydisperse systemSection 6

poreSection 8

pore, closedSection 8

pore, ‘ink bottle’Section 8

pore, macro Section 8

pore, meso Section 8

pore, microSection 8

pore, multiSection 8

pore, openSection 8

pore size distributionSection 8

pore volumeSection 8

porosimeterSection 11

porosity, (of particle)Section 8

porosity, (of bulk)Section 12

porosity, filterSection 1

positive void pressureSection 12

poured coneSection 13

poured reposeSection 13

powder bedSection 13

powder density, absoluteSection 3

powder density, apparentSection 3

powder density, bulkSection 3

powder density, tappedSection 3

powder volume apparentSection 3

powderSection 1

precipitated powderSection 2

pre-sinteringSection 4

pressed densitySection 3

pressingSection 4

pressing, coldSection 4

pressing, hotSection 4

pressing, warmSection 4

pressure, equilibrium adsorptionSection 9

pressure, relativeSection 9

pressure, vapourSection 9

pressure-void ratio curveSection 12

primary consolidation Section 1

principal planeSection 12

principal stressSection 3

principal stress, majorSection 3

principal stress, minorSection 3

principal stress ratioSection 12

progressive failureSection 12

projected area diameterSection 6

properties, of bulk solidSection 12

pseudo-colourSection 10

pseudo-stereo photogrammatic analysisSection 12

pycnometer Section 11

pyrophoricSection 3

quakingSection 13

quasi-electric light scatteringSection 11

quiescent bedSection 4

radial flowSection 13

range, dynamicSection 6

rate method of sieve analysisSection 11

ratholeSection 13

ratio, compressionSection 3

risk phrasesSection 1

receiver; pan Section 11

recovery factorSection 3

reference materialSection 2

relative densitySection 12

relative humiditySection 1

relaxationSection 10

repeatability Section 11

representative sampleSection 3

reproducibility Section 11

resolution Section 11

retro-diffusionSection 10

Reynolds numberSection 1

rheology Section 1

rheopecticSection 1

rifflerSection 11

riffler, spinning Section 11

Rigden permeameterSection 11

ring shear testerSection 12

rish phrasesSection 1

rod-like Section 7

roller elutriatorSection 4

roll pressSection 4

Rose photosedimentometer Section 11

Rosin-Rammler distibutionSection 1

rugositySection 7

safe transportable moisture contentSection 12

safetySection 1

saltationSection 14

saltation flowSection 14

sample analysisSection 11

sample, grossSection 11

sample, laboratory.Section 11

sample, test Section 11

sample, test portionSection 11

sampling tableSection 3

sandSection 3

sand, fineSection 3

Sartorius sedimentation balanceSection 11

‘salt and pepper’Section 10

scale of segregationSection 13

scale of scrutinySection 1

scale of variationSection 1

scalpingSection 4

scannerSection 10

Schulze ring shear cellSection 12

screenSection 11

sedimentationSection 5

sedimentation analysis techniquesSection 6

sedimentation balance Section 11

sedimentation diameter, equivalentSection 6

sedimentation, centrifugalSection 11

Sedimentation, gravitational Section 11

segmentationSection 10

segregationSection 13

segregation testerSection 11

self clearingSection 13

sensorSection 11

settled bedSection 4

settling bedSection 4

settling velocitySection 5

shadingSection 10

shading correctorSection 10

shape coefficient, dynamicSection 7

shape, elongation factorSection 7

shape sphericity factor,Section 7

shearSection 12

shear failure Section 1

shear forceSection 12

shear mixingSection 13

shear strainSection 13

shear strengthSection 12

shear stressSection 12

self-clearingSection 13

settling velocitySection

shear cell, annularSection 12

shear cell, JenikeSection 12

shear cell, verticalSection 12

shear failureSection 12

shear mixingSection 13

Shimadzu sedimentation balanceSection 11

shrinkageSection 4

sieve mesh numberSection 11

sieve size of a particleSection 6

sieve mesh numberSection 11

sieves, nest ofSection 11

sieves, testSection 11

sieving aidsSection 11

sieving mediumSection 11

sieving, air jetSection 11

sieving, drySection 11

sieving, testSection 11

sieving, wetSection 11

sifterSection 11

sifting, (of segregation)Section 13

sigma-two reliefSection 13

siloSection 1

siltSection 3

sinteringSection 4

size distribution, particleSection 6

size fractionSection 6

size, mean particleSection 6

skeletonisingSection 10

slicingSection 10

sliding frictionSection 3

slip flow, (of permeability)Section 9

slip-stickSection 13

slip-stopSection 13

slip velocitySection 14

slurpingSection 13

smoothingSection 10

solidSection 1

solifluctionSection 13

solifluxionSection 13

sonicationSection 11

spatualtionSection 11

specific surface areaSection 9

spherical Section 7

sphericity factor Section 7

spheroidSection 7

SpillaneSection 11

spinning rifflerSection 11

spiral flow classifierSection 4

spot sampleSection 1

spring back factorSection 12

SSCTTSection 12

state (of bulk material)Section 1

static frictionSection 3

steady state flowSection 13

stereologySection 10

Stokes’ diameterSection 6

Stokes-Einstein equationSection 1

Stokes LawSection 1

strainSection 12

strain energySection 12

stressSection 1

stress ellipsoid Section 1

stress historySection 1

stress relaxationSection 1

structural archingSection 13

structurally impeded flowSection 13

structurally retarded flowSection 13

surchargeSection 13

surface adhesionSection 3

surface area, adsorptionSection 9

surface area, calculatedSection 9

surface area, permeabilitySection 9

surface area, specificSection 9

surface cohesionSection 3

surface frictionSection 3

surface reposeSection 13

surfactantSection 1

suspensionSection 1

tangent modulusSection 1

tabletSection 4

tapped densitySection 12

temperature Section 5

tensile strengthSection 12

tensile stressSection 1

tensile testSection 12

tensile strengthSection 12

tensile stressSection 12

tensile testSection 12

terminal gas velocitySection 14

terminal velocitySection 5

test portionSection 11

test sampleSection 11

test sieveSection 11

thinningSection 10

thixotropic suspension Section 1

thresholdSection 10

thresholdsettingSection 10

time consolidationSection 12

time yield locusSection 12

tortuositySection 3

trajectory Section 4

transitionSection 13

transitional stateSection 13

tri-axial testerSection 12

turbidimeter Section 11

turbiditySection 1

ullageSection 1

unconfined compression strengthSection 12

unconfined failureSection 1

unconfined failure testSection 12

unconfined flowSection 13

unconfined surfaceSection 13

under-consolidatedSection 1

uniaxial state of stressSection 1

uniaxial testSection 12

University of Bradford tensile testerSection 12

ultrasonic agitationSection 11

ultrasonic attenuationmeasurementsSection 11

ultrasonic bathSection 11

ultrasonic probeSection 11

unconfined failure testSection 12

unconfined flow Section 13

underflow, of sieving.Section 11

under-consolidatedSection 12

undersize controlSection 11

undersizeSection 6

uni-axial state of stressSection 1

uni-axial testSection 12

unconfined flowSection 13

unconfined surfaceSection13

unloading moduleSection 1

University of Bradford tensile tester Section 12

van Der Waals forcesSection 1

vapour pressure Section 9

velocity, free fallingSection 5

vertical shear testSection 12

vibrating screenSection 11

video signalSection 10

viscous dragSection 5

viscous flowSection 1

void Section 1

void pressureSection 1

voidageSection 12

void ratioSection 1

volume, absoluteSection 3

volume, apparent particleSection 6

volume, apparent powder Section 3

volume, distributionSection 6

volume, equivalent diameterSection 6

volume, powderSection 3

volumetric gas flowSection 14

Walker cellSection 12

wall cohesionSection 12

wall frictionSection 12

wall friction, dynamicSection 12

wall friction, staticSection 12

wall normal stressSection 12

wall shear stressSection 12

wall yield locusSection 12

warm pressingSection 4

warpSection 11

waves of dilationSection 13

weaveSection 11

weave, plainSection 11

weave, twilledSection 11

wedge wire screen;Section 11

weft; shootSection 11

wet scrubbersSection 4

wire diameterSection 11

wire screenSection 11

woven wire cloth.Section 11

yieldSection 1

yield locusSection 1

yield strengthSection 12

yield stressSection 12

yield surfaceSection 12

zeta potential; electrokinetic potentialSection 5