Wolfson Centre Reaches Landmark

Posted in: , on 15. Apr. 2012 - 14:51

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The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology reaches landmark:

Consultancy job enquiry number 3000

Since the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology first came into existence in 1973, its consultants have, between them, dealt with virtually every bulk solids handling problem known to industry. Recently they took on job enquiry number 3000.

Professor Alan Reed, Founding Director of The Wolfson Centre says ' When we first started to gain valuable knowledge and expertise from our research programmes in different aspects of solids handling technology, we always thought that such expertise, along with our specialised facilities we had developed, could be put to good use in addressing problems being experienced by different sectors of industry. What we did not appreciate was just how much our independent consultancy services would be in demand by businesses in both the UK and internationally. The fact that we have recently taken our 3000th enquiry from business is a clear demonstration of both the ongoing need for our services and the esteem in which The Wolfson Centre is held. Long may it continue.'

The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology is part of the School of Engineering at the University of Greenwich at Medway, Kent. It started from its premises in Woolwich where the University Engineering department was based for over 100 years before relocating to Kent in 2005. The Centre began its existence researching problems associated with pneumatic conveying of powders and granular solid material in pipelines and through industry based research and consultancy activities the Centre has developed to its current breadth of services to include hopper & silo design, product quality including segregation, degradation and caking, powder characterisation, dust control, plant wear, packaging and instrumentation & control of bulk solids handling systems.

The laboratories in Chatham, Kent, house a comprehensive suite of industrial scale test rigs to simulate the handling and flow of powder and bulk solids materials in all aspects of industrial practice. In addition, it has a well-equipped characterisation laboratory to measure all aspects of particulate flow and behaviour relevant to these industrial processes. These facilities are continuously being updated to meet research and test requirements of industrial clients.

John Whitehead, General Secretary of SHAPA said, “The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology provides a unique service to the bulk solids handling industry and users of solids handling equipment. The Centre personnel are disciples of best practice through their technical development, training, design advice, testing and trouble shooting services. At SHAPA we are very appreciative of their enthusiastic support of our association over the last 20 years”.

The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology is now one of the major international research and consultancy organisations in the field of storage, conveying and general handling of powder and granular materials.

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