Question on Used Nylon Conveyor Belt

Posted in: , on 25. Jan. 2012 - 05:37

My father owns a small belting company in Washington state.

We have scrap belting we take from the jobs sites and besides bringing it to a waste disposal center, I was wondering if there are other uses or ways to profit off of these scrap pieces ranging from 18 to 48 inches wide and upwards of 600 feet.

Any info would be great.



Re: Question On Used Nylon Conveyor Belt

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2012 - 05:12

Places I know of that it can be used are:

Maintenance shop floors around work benches for cushioning on the feet.

Garage work areas.

Horse barns.

Hockey arenas for runners from dressing rooms to the ice.

Gun clubs want it for back stops in target practice.

Also police training centers use it in their pratice ranges.

Be careful on the gun places though as they cannot use steel cord belting. Used belting has many uses.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Used Nylon Conveyor Belting

Erstellt am 29. Jan. 2012 - 01:24

Dear Eric:

There are also many buyers from Asia that will purchase container full lots of used belting. The pricing may not be that great; but, it keeps it out of the landfill and wil add a little extra income to your company.

Ronald D. Fernandes, President BMG Conveyor Consulting and Rubber Corp. 2511 Destiny Way Odessa, Florida 33556 USA Phone: 813.385.1254 E-mail: [email][/email] Web Site: [url][/url]