Melco Supports Bambanani

Posted in: , on 8. Jan. 2012 - 19:23
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In 1994, an unemployed woman, Nomsa Sikhwari, tested positive for HIV. Not being able to gain employment, and seeing the poverty and strife around her in Dukathole, an informal settlement in Germiston, she decided to do something to assist and uplift people in the area.


The local council, and the Germiston Anglican Church, assisted Nomsa in starting up a Home Based Care Centre. Bambanani is a non profit organisation that provides various services to the community. Some of these are visiting patients who do not have caregivers at home in order to wash and feed them as well as provide some much needed encouragement and counselling. Bambanani manages the disease of people who have AIDS and ensures that these people get the required medical attention. Due to the poverty in the area, many families do not have any food. Through various contributions, Bambanani packs food parcels for these families.


In 2001, a need arose to take care of children who had been orphaned by AIDS. Bambanani now runs a crche for these children. Currently, there are 24 children at the day care centre. Two ladies have been employed to run the day care centre, as well as an assistant that prepares lunch for the children.

Bambanani have three objectives that they would like to achieve over the next four years, these are:

•Strengthen Home Based Care in Dukathole and ensure ART adherence and reduce re-infections of people living with HIV and Aids.

•Increase awareness of the prevention of new HIV infections, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups and high transmission areas.

•Consolidate support to orphans and vulnerable children in Dukathole.


Along with these objectives is a more informal aim. Nomsa would like to expand Bambanani to include a craft centre, an organic vegetable garden and a larger care centre and crche. Nomsa and a few of the other caregivers have trained unemployed ladies in the area to sew traditional outfits. These outfits are sold and profits donated to Bambanani. The organic vegetable garden would be to train unemployed people how to sustain themselves, or even to start a small business through their efforts.

Melco is proud to be working with Bambanani to overcome many obstacles and to achieve these goals.

Melco assists Bambanani on a monthly basis with groceries. These groceries are used for meals at the crche and are also re-packed and delivered to families in need. A number of medical supplies are required for the Care Centre; these are also contributed by Melco. One of the areas that Bambanani struggles with on an ongoing basis, is the transport required to get patients to and from hospitals. Melco has negotiated a transport assistance scheme and pays the transport provider on a monthly basis.

Nomsa has an unrelenting spirit, and together with assistance from Melco and other supporters, we are sure that she will ensure the growth of Bambanani and the upliftment of Dukathole.


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