Mobile Rail Offloading / Unloading Equipment

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 30. Aug. 2011 - 13:18

Hi - I was wondering what types of mobile equipment is available for offloading coal from rail wagons. I've seen straddle backactors ( and CAT M318D Material Handlers ( fitted with buckets, but would like to know if there are other solutions as well. It needs to be mobile due to design and operational restrictions at the rail siding where the coal will be offloaded.


Coal Unloading

Erstellt am 30. Aug. 2011 - 08:14
Quote Originally Posted by CobusTView Post
Hi - I was wondering what types of mobile equipment is available for offloading coal from rail wagons. I've seen straddle backactors ( and CAT M318D Material Handlers ( fitted with buckets, but would like to know if there are other solutions as well. It needs to be mobile due to design and operational restrictions at the rail siding where the coal will be offloaded.


If possible you need to provide us with more informatiom/pictures

The only option you have is a vacuum excavator truck as you really do

not have any other option with the limited information you have provided

to us.

The Mobile Vacuum excavator tank truck uses an air lance in combination with a

large diameter boom mounted vacuum system.

You would have to set up a mobile cyclone separator for the discharge of the

coal to dump it into a waiting dump trailer

You could employ mobile but it would have to be mounted a on

an 80 ton lorry trailer with out riggers to work in tandem with the vacuum truck.

Help us to help you help us help you!!

Re: Mobile Rail Offloading / Unloading Equipment

Erstellt am 10. Jan. 2012 - 07:01

Which type of wagons are? Whether ii is bottom opening ,side opening or top opening?.How much is unloading rate required?

A Little Help

Erstellt am 11. Jan. 2012 - 06:54
Quote Originally Posted by dhananjayandeView Post
Which type of wagons are? Whether ii is bottom opening ,side opening or top opening?.How much is unloading rate required?

As a first guess I would go for top opening, that would help to get the coal in.

Second guess would still be top opening because if it was bottom or side opening then he wouldn't, SHOULDN'T, be asking how to get coal out. The location is Saath Efrica so frozen coal should not be an issue.

To partly quote Izaharis: Help us.....Help us......Help us!

Mobile Rail Offloading / Unloading Equipment

Erstellt am 19. Mar. 2013 - 01:32
Quote Originally Posted by CobusTView Post
Hi - I was wondering what types of mobile equipment is available for offloading coal from rail wagons. I've seen straddle backactors ( and CAT M318D Material Handlers ( fitted with buckets, but would like to know if there are other solutions as well. It needs to be mobile due to design and operational restrictions at the rail siding where the coal will be offloaded.


One of our clients, needs similar type of equipment-straddle backactors, for their coal unloading operations from open wagons. We need more references and also cost of each machine.

Regards, Anil