MESA Publishes 2nd Ed. of Metrics Guidebook

Posted in: , on 28. Aug. 2011 - 15:41

MESA Publishes Second Edition of Metrics Guidebook and Framework

Extensive Updates and Additions Enhance Ability to Make Systematic Operations and Business Performance Improvements

Chandler, Arizona (August 25, 2011) - The Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) today published the second completely revised edition of the Metrics Guidebook and Framework. This guidebook is intended to help manufacturers and producers in all segments improve performance by creating better business decisions through alignments between operations to financial results. A dedicated team of members has worked for months not only to improve the original Guidebook, but to add extensive new material, making this essential guide even easier for readers to use as a basis for practical and effective action.

Project team leader and editor John Jackiw of Alta Via Consulting says, "In this challenging market, every manufacturer and producer must improve performance regularly or be left behind. The new edition of the Metrics Guidebook and Framework is designed to educate the major stakeholders on how to achieve that. The team worked hard to incorporate the latest best practices and make sure readers have a clear path to take action on the information provided in the Guidebook."

Some of the new information included in the Guidebook and Framework that is of particular interest includes:

- An overview of actionable vs. reportable metrics

- Environmental reference metrics

- More in depth discussion of the root causes of business and operational metric misalignment;

- A brief introduction to Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA), an approach that helps accurately quantify operations performance in financial terms

As with the original MESA Metrics Guidebook and Framework, the volunteer team that developed this Second Edition has deep experience in generating improvements for production and manufacturing companies. In addition to leader John Jackiw of Alta Via, authors include David Caruso of Endeca, John Clemons of Maverick Technologies, Richard Fournier of IBM, Julie Fraser of Cambashi, Charlie Gifford of 21st Century Manufacturing Solutions, Peter Martin of Invensys, Darren Riley of Rockwell, and Larry White of the RCA Institute.

MESA International is a global community of manufacturers, producers, industry leaders and solution providers who are focused on improving Operations Management capabilities through the effective application of technology solutions and best practices. We accomplish this through the following:

• Collect, share and publish best practices and guidance to drive greater productivity and the overall profitability of the manufacturing enterprise

• Facilitate innovation and collaboration to enable the real-time enterprise and Plant to Enterprise (P2E) integration

• Enable members to connect, contribute, cultivate understanding, and exchange strategies to drive operations excellence

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