Dust Suppression Hopper System

Posted in: , on 23. Aug. 2011 - 18:08

Guttridge launch a dust suppression hopper system for bulk outloading

Guttridge have just launched a new award winning dust suppression hopper system into the UK Bulk Handling Market. Following years of fine tuning and development work, companies around the world have acclaimed the new hopper as a total success in applications involving dry, free flowing materials.

Now available for the first time in the UK, the new hopper ingeniously contains the dust within the product stream when discharging dry bulk materials. Thus, it cleverly avoids the need for the more complicated retractable loading spouts or telescopic loading bellows that are more commonly used in bulk out loading and flat store loading applications.

Originally designed for fertilisers, the new dust suppression hopper has proven success with many other dry materials including; cereals, pet foods, sugar, salt and sand. Models are available in either polyethylene, steel and stainless steel.

Uncomplicated to install and easy to operate and maintain there is no product separation during the fall of material meaning that fine material does not become concentrated in the centre of the stockpile. At the point of loading the dust suppression loading hopper concentrates the discharge of dry goods as a solid column through free air into road vehicles, rail wagons, stock piles, storage containers or bags.

Successfully installed around the world, Grant Allen, Technical Manager of Impact Fertilisers in New Zealand, commented, “Each year we load 120,000 tonnes of single super phosphate for bulk shipment which generated localised dust, resulting in environmental complaints from the wider community and on-going health and safety issues. After installing the new dust suppression hopper this has resulted in a significant improvement to the working environment and reduced environmental complaints to zero. All this has been achieved with no impact on the speed of the loading operation and has in some cases resulted in an increased rate.”

Currently being trialled on various sites within the UK the new dust suppression hopper reduces hazards, health risks, dust, wastage, cleaning and maintenance costs and increases storage capacity.

Guttridge Ltd. is a leading UK equipment manufacturer and a provider of a wide range of services and bulk powder handling machinery. With an extensive in-house portfolio of equipment Guttridge also partners with a range of Pan European equipment and solutions providers allowing them to potentially fulfil any requirement.

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gutteridge_dust_hopper_before (JPG)

gutteridge_dust_hopper_after (JPG)

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