K-Tron at PPMA in Birmingham, UK

Posted in: , on 15. Aug. 2011 - 12:59

K-Tron can - exhibit at PPMA in Birmingham, UK

Niederlenz, Switzerland – Quickly and efficiently designed custom-tailored solutions for any process – this is one of the services K-Tron is featuring at PPMA in Birmingham, UK, in Hall 5, Booth B50.

For more than a century, K-Tron has been an industry leader in the design engineering, installation and maintenance of process feeders and pneumatic conveying systems for the handling of bulk solids materials and liquids.

K-Tron has a can-do attitude is eager to share our knowledge and put the most advanced technologies and application experience to work for you. At K-Tron, you’re not just buying components. You’re buying the application experience and support of a company that builds accurate performance and high reliability into every piece of equipment and system we sell. From R&D to manufacturing to systems engineering, K-Tron engineers know how to design material handling and feeding solutions for your application.

K-Tron manufactures a wide variety of solids and liquid feeders and pneumatic conveying equipment specific to the pharmaceutical industry. Within the pharmaceutical processing industry, K-Tron has developed several process automation applications and systems including pharmaceutical extrusion, tablet press lubrication, pharmaceutical dispensing applications and milling and micronization of pharmaceutical powders.

About K-Tron:

K-Tron is a global leader in the gravimetric feeder market and a single-source supplier for feeding, pneumatic conveying and systems engineering solutions. K-Tron has defined the leading edge of technology for material handling applications in the process industries.

For more information, please visit:


href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/2274-coperion-k-tron.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile...ion-k-tron.htm

Google Search:


href="http://www.google.de/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=k-tron+site:bulk-online.com" target="blank">http://www.google.de/search?client=s...ulk-online.com


href="http://www.google.de/search?q=k-tron+site:bulk-online.com&hl=de&safe=active&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch" target="blank">http://www.google.de/search?q=k-tron...=lnms&tbm=isch


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