JMC Japan is UWT's New Partner

Posted in: , on 19. Jul. 2011 - 13:25

Product training for UWT`s new Japanese sales partner

UWT is continuing the expansion, and since December 2010 we have a new sales partner in Asia. Four employees of our new partner JMC in Japan have been here in Betzigau at the end of May for two days for an intensive product training. The gentlemen came from Osaka and Tokyo. Our Product Manager, Mr. Johannes Blochum, instructed the employees of JMC in an intensive training on the skills which are necessary for successful sales of UWT products. The training contents were a basic product training for all UWT-products, in-depth basic knowledge of the products SN/VN/NB, practical exercises on the NB (setup, change of rope/tape, PCB replacement), introduction Nivowave (startup NW, connection to PC) and applications, application examples and success stories.

According to the program the evening took place in a typical cottage with Allgäu flair and Bavarian hospitality, what the Japanese guests enjoyed very much.

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