SMCE Improves Portland Cement Quality

Posted in: , on 17. Jul. 2011 - 13:46

SMCE new technology improves Portland cement quality with enhanced output rates

Technology developed by the N.N. Zoubov Engineers SMCE research center has the following features:

Technology outline:

This new technology is cost-effective, improves Portland cement quality with enhanced output rates.

Key advantages:

Produced Portland cement clinker contained up to 63% of alit and no marginal phases, i.e. C12A7, C2F, CF (where F usually stands for FeO) which are characteristic for over and underfired clinker. For the last case the alkaline derivatives are absent also;

Enhanced production tolerance towards chemical composition and process fluctuations;

Improved cement grade;


Decreased carbonate formation in concretes;

Water-heat treatment reduction of concretes by 1.5 times;

Increased concrete quality and endurance durability.

According to this technology, finely powdered dry additive is added into the cement mixture before loading into the rotating clinker-firing furnace. This additive enhances mineral formation in the firing material, especially the crystallization of alit (C3S) in clinker in the firing zone of the furnace.


Alit in clinker: 55-63%;

Increased output rate of the furnace: by 7-12%;

Decreased specific consumption of fuel for clinker firing: by 5-12%;

Increased coating durability in firing zone;

Reduced amount of alkaline metals in clinker: by 0.2-0.3%;

Increased grindability of the clinker and increased cement mill output: by 5-10%;

Cement production output increase with additives: by 50%.

Two 18' diam. air separators in closed-circuit with a 6000 HP Mill producing 4300 cm/g Blaine slag cement in Belgium.

The technology permits to enhance the rate of moving of firing material along the furnace length thus elevating the heating of the processing material. Alit crystallization rate increase (about twice) makes the concentrated crystallization heat evolvement in the firing zone. This additional emission of high-temperature heat far exceeds the low-temperature costs going for de-carbonization of CaCO3 in raw mixture having higher lime saturation coefficient (LSF). Actually, this extra heat augments furnace output.

Steps of technology implementation:

First step is the exploration and identification of deposits including the additive. Preferably, the sites of the deposits have to be within the 200 km range of plant.

On demand, an additional continuous action feeder have to be mounted for providing the additive into the furnace.

Actually, for the first year, it is possible to furnish 5 to 6 cement production plants with this new technological approach after preliminary identification of deposit sites.


The direct economic effect for the cement plant is shaped from reduced fuel consumption going for clinker heating (reaching up to 15%).

Increased activity of the clinker vs. the conventionally produced ones permits to enhance the mineral additives' content by 10% and over without decreasing the strength of the final product. This means another economic gain.

Direct economic effect for the consumers comes from reduction of amount of cement up to 40% in full-strength concretes (vs. the conventional concretes), as well as by the enhanced solidification rate (the heat-to-humidity treatment time is reduced up to 50%). Thanks to this, the productivity of the prefab assembly lines increase.

Another key point is the quality improvement. The rate and ratio of hydration of cement in concretes increases; freeze-thaw durability increases; waterproofness increases and shrinking deformation of concretes decreased. This is due to higher exit rates of calcium hydrosilicate in the products of hydration of new cement in concretes and because of full absence of carbonization, including the absence of calcium carbonate in their structure.

Two 22' diam. air separators operating in parallel on a 8750 HP cement ball mill. Production : over 300 t/h.


The developed technology has passed long-term tests (from 3 to 12 months) in cement-production plants which confirmed the above-cited improve.

David Beckman

Account Manager


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David Beckman Account Manager N.N.ZOUBOV ENGINEERS SMCE 8, Avenue de Saturne 1180 Brussels Belgium Tel: 0032.2.374.09.10 Fax: 0032.2.375.25.18 Email: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] Website: [URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]
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