Seminar: Biomass for Renewable Heat

Posted in: , on 13. Jul. 2011 - 20:38

Seminar: Biomass for Renewable Heat

The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology is proud to co-sponsor the one day seminar on Biomass for Renewable Heat on 21 September at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Headquarters in London.

Presentations will help delegates understand how using biomass as a fuel can help meet sustainability targets, learn about the latest technical and commercial developments of using biomass as a source of heat and recognise the benefits, and the risks of using low-carbon biomass sources for renewable heating.

The Wolfson Centre will be manning a stand where you will have the opportunity to:

• ‘Meet the Expert’ Mike Bradley and see how the Wolfson Centre can help your company overcome biomass handling or storage issues;

• Pick up a copy of the new Best Practice Guide to Biomass Handling and Biomass/Coal Co-handling’;

• Sign up for the new short course on Biomass handling, storage and feeding.

If you are unable to visit the stand, but would like more information on any of the above items, please contact us at

The programme will be on line very shortly.

For more information, please visit:

Google Search:

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