CAMESE Compendium Available

Posted in: , on 13. Jul. 2011 - 12:06

CAMESE Compendium Availability

PDF version of CAMESE Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers Link

This is to remind you of the availability of the CAMESE Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers.

The annual CAMESE Compendium is an excellent guide to the mining supply capabilities of over 300 Canadian companies.

You can access the pdf copy of the CAMESE 2010/2011 Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers via this link: .

Please share this link with any of your colleagues who might be interested.

Additionally the CAMESE website at provides many of the details regarding CAMESE member capabilities as well.

If I can be of any additional service to you please let me know.

Best personal regards,

R.Spencer Ramshaw

Director - Information and Communicaton

CAMESE - Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export

101 - 345 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9S9, Canada

tel.: +1-905-513-0046, fax: +1-905-513-1834


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