UWT Certification in Belarus

Posted in: , on 7. Jun. 2011 - 13:44

Visit of the State Commission of Belarus at UWT

Certification of UWT products for the Belorussian market

As part of the governmental certification of the UWT products for the Belorussian market the audit commission visited the headquarters of UWT in Betzigau, Germany. The goal of the metrological certification is the registration of the UWT products Nivobob and Nivowave in the State Register of Measurement Technology of the Republic of Belarus. During the visit numerous tests and examinations have been conducted with these units. The test results showed that the UWT products Nivobob and Nivowave meet all Belorussian standards and therefore there is no further obstacle to the registration.

"UWT belongs to the few companies in Europe showing a perfect organization, a thorough preparation and excellent final results. Regarding product quality, business organization and quality assurance UWT is even exemplary"- so the chairman of the Commission.

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