Pneumatic Conveying of Carbon Black Powder

Posted in: , on 1. Jun. 2011 - 18:50

Originally osted by

Michael Reid

Registered User

on 15th February 2011 6:11

and relocated by Adminstrator on June 1, 2011.

(The original post was not found).

Quote Originally Posted by dhruvView Post
Dear Sir,

We are using following system where fine powder of carbon black (N220 and N330) of having 30 Nano meter size (smallest size = 0.025 Micron) is being conveyed in diute phase.

The only problem we found is blockage of piping and so reduced conveying rate after few days of working. Just with 48 hours of working bends are blocked with sticking carbon black on wall. It also stuck in straight wall but main problem is of sticking on bend wall.

There are 3-4 bends and they are un-avoidable.

What would be solution? We don't mind to pay you for any kind of solution or your help or your guidance.

System : Dilute phase vacuum conveying system.

Blower : 7.5 KW (Approx. 400 cubic meter air flow)

Conveying rate : 1100 Kg./Hr.

Material : Carbon black super fine powder (Some times with moisture)

Pipe dia : 80 mm.

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

Dhruv Shah

It is difficult to offer advice without more information. I would want to visit the plant and inspect the equipment, measure airflow and pressures etc. I presume the plant is located in Asia. Is this correct? It would be expensive for me to travel from Australia. Have you approached the original designer and supplier? Is the problem recent after a period of trouble-free operation? Or has the problem been in evidence since new? Is the dust collector leaking and affecting the vacuum pump? (This is an extremely fine product and the dust collector must be a special type in order to cope).

My advice is to refer the problem to the original equipment supplier.

Perhaps you will get a more positive response from an expert closer to home.

Good Luck.

Michael Reid.

APC Engineering Associates Pty. Ltd.

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