Modifications to a Sidewall Belt Elevator

Posted in: , on 22. Apr. 2011 - 19:26

I'm looking at an existing sidewall belt elevator with cross cleats, Z formation, horizontal base, 35 deg incline containing the new feed point, horizontal top section. It's physically not very large.

The material handled is being changed to a light fluffy product 50-100 kg/m3, 50mm max flake size, compressible and the feed could surge a little but not excessively so.

In order to contain the surges it crossed my mind -

1) provide a 'plate' to ride on the sidewalls

2) provide a blanket belt on the incline section that rides on the sidewalls (and cross cleats).

Dust is a nuisance and will be considered a problem under ATEX, so a risk analysis will have to be carried out!

All experiences and comments gratefully received.


User has deep pockets but short arms, so it's difficult to extract too much money


Erstellt am 22. Apr. 2011 - 10:25

I had similar considerations at Krakatau Steel in '89. Don't fergit the accretion on the return strand. With ATEX that just about makes the sealing belt the viable choice. Methinks?

PS My last user had enormous pockets, randomly operated arms and very snug earplugs. He just blew US$194 + + million with no result. Sometimes, short arms are better.

Re: Modifications To A Sidewall Belt Elevator

Erstellt am 23. Apr. 2011 - 09:31

Yes, the belt does seem the better option.

But I did think if I made a short length of plate for trial I could earth it, the monitor any temperature build-up with a couple of thermocouples over a few hours then make a definitive decision after that.

I always like to run a test where possible

High Angle Lifting

Erstellt am 24. Apr. 2011 - 08:08

A big word, but, what meaning? Another interpretation is plating of sticky stuff to pocket?

Accretion (geology), the increase in size of a tectonic plate by addition of material along a convergent boundary


We are looking at ways of lifting 8,000-10,000 t/h up a 800 m lift at 60 degrees. It seems it can be done with a lower SF = 4.5:1 at ST-10,000 N/mm. Big drives. Wonder if there is any reporting on this machine spec.?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Modifications To A Sidewall Belt Elevator

Erstellt am 24. Apr. 2011 - 09:52
Quote Originally Posted by nordellView Post
A big word, but, what meaning? Another interpretation is plating of sticky stuff to pocket?

Accretion (geology), the increase in size of a tectonic plate by addition of material along a convergent boundary


We are looking at ways of lifting 8,000-10,000 t/h up a 800 m lift at 60 degrees. It seems it can be done with a lower SF = 4.5:1 at ST-10,000 N/mm. Big drives. Wonder if there is any reporting on this machine spec.?

The material is light, fluffy, non-cohesive and non-adhesive. If I pour a sample into a box in the loose, fluffy, low density condition, I can easily half it's volume with minimal pressure.

Your capacity is way in excessive of anything I've experienced!

The 'but' relates to ATEX, which adds 'ifs' and 'buts' to all considerations

Registration Correction Requested

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2012 - 12:37

Hello designer,

You are one of our power posters but we cannot reach you by email (

Kindly go to your registration page and make necessary corrections.

Thank you very much for your participation in the past.

Reinhard Wohlbier


Searching For Power Poster "Designer"

Erstellt am 19. May. 2013 - 11:21

Searching for Power Poster "designer"

We are still looking for the email address of "designer" (

Should anybody know "designer", please help us find him. Thanks.

Reinhard Wohlbier


Modifications To A Sidewall Belt Elevator

Erstellt am 9. Jun. 2013 - 06:19

Why not replace this pocket belt with a Dos Santos Sandwich Belt high angle conveyor. We have replaced pocket belts successfully on many occasions.

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ Web Site: [url][/url]