Lift of Conveyor

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 30. Mar. 2011 - 07:24

Dear All,

as i know LIFT of the conveyor is vertical distance material being lifted.

in above picture shown belt conveyor properties on powerplant that I have studied.

LIFT of conveyor L is 2476. I didn't see any unit there.. is that 2476Ft???

LIFT of conveyor K is 65.1, I have seen this conveyor have higher inclination compared to conveyor L. this thing make me confuse?? please tell me if somebody have any idea?

Lift Of Conveyor

Erstellt am 30. Mar. 2011 - 06:06

Dear Zigan,

You said “I have seen this conveyor have higher inclination compared to conveyor L

Where did u see this fact in drawing or in plant? Thus you could go to the plant or drawing and check distance!


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Lift Of Conveyor

Erstellt am 30. Mar. 2011 - 07:04

One set of assumptions could be:

1. Dimensions are in (all) in meters.

2. Decimal place has been misplaced on L. Through guessing it should be between the 4 and 7 (24.76 cf 2476).

2a. The later would appear to align with your observation.

Suggest you verify.



Re: Lift Of Conveyor

Erstellt am 30. Mar. 2011 - 04:14

If K conveyor has a lift of 65.1M with a length of 273.9M then the inclination would be 13.3 degrees.

If L conveyor has a lift of 24.76M with a length of 147.5M then the inclination would be 9 degrees.

Therefore Lyles assumption would be correct based on your observations.

But as others have stated if it is of that much concern you would be best to confirm with the plant or from drawings.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Lift Of Conveyor

Erstellt am 31. Mar. 2011 - 01:02


First (and some may say only) rule: "IF IN DOUBT, ASK".

The people preparing the spec should be contacted and asked to clarify the table.

It should be pointed out to them that there are no units indicated for the "Lift", and this needs to be clarified.

Nothing should be assumed. For all you know the units could be "chains". Given that the other columns are in various metric units, and the length is in metres, it could be 2475 metres of lift.

But after all of this, it is highly unlikely that you would only have a table to quote or design off. What do the drawings say?

In any case, if in doubt, ask. Don't just call them, put in a formal RFI. This way, if you have bee awarded the contract and they come back saying there was a fairly dramatic typo, you could salt that away as a possible claim for a variation. If this is at the quotation stage, then you will have saved yourself a re-design and maybe more.

[I]Ian A. White, MIEAust. CPEng. RPEQ WAI Engineering [URL=""][/URL][/I]

Bally High

Erstellt am 31. Mar. 2011 - 11:41

' pagi,

These are possibly running at Paiton PLN. L1 & L2 would be about 24.76m lift and handling wet coal at slower speed than the rest of the conveyors. I think I've seen K1 & K2 from the Bali bus but L1 & L2 didn't stand out from the crowd.