Grain and Fertiliser Dust

jag_minhas - Guttridge Ltd, U.K.
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 15. Mar. 2011 - 14:27

I am trying to find some information on dust generated in grains and fertilisers but can't seem to find anything. Apparently University of Iowa did a study on how much material is lost due to dust generation and I'm still trying to access it.

Is there any other information on the amount of weight lost in grains and fertilisers due to dust generation??


Fugitive Dust

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2011 - 07:31
Quote Originally Posted by jagminhasView Post
I am trying to find some information on dust generated in grains and fertilisers but can't seem to find anything. Apparently University of Iowa did a study on how much material is lost due to dust generation and I'm still trying to access it.

Is there any other information on the amount of weight lost in grains and fertilisers due to dust generation??


Unfortunately it is a "forever" loss in wieght problem from handling

and rehandling directly related to the hardness of the material.

The issue that is more important in the scheme of things is cleaning

the fugitive dust to prevent spontaneos combustion fire/explosions

from the fugitive dust.

Grain And Fertiliser Dust

Erstellt am 16. Mar. 2011 - 02:24

I have figures for Dust Outload recorded by two grain terminals on the Australian East coast for several seasons, 96/97 up to 00/01.

This is for the dust collected by all of the plant's dust systems, based on Import tonnes and Export tonnes, and dust weighed as it is trucked out.

The percentage increased progressively over that period from 0.075% to 0.142% dust. Pretty much the same for both terminals. It was expected that the amount of dust would increase over time, (for one reason or another).

In 2005, TUNRA did some testing on one kg samples of specific grades:

APH Australian Prime Wheat 0.121%

AUH Australian off-grade Wheat 0.17%

DR Duram Wheat 0.741%

Hope this helps. Don't have anything similar for fertiliser.

Michael Reid.