Screening Device for Manganese Ore

Posted in: , on 24. Feb. 2011 - 12:43

Our company is requiring a screening machine to handle large laboratory samples of manganese ore.

Requirements/specifications include:

- Dry screening

- Manganese ore

- 150 kg sample size

- 350 kg/hr throughput

- 75 mm maximum product size

- Screen apertures: 40 mm, 15 mm and 6 mm

- Each size fraction to be collected

- Each fraction <100 kg

- Each fraction to be automatically weighed with an automatic discharge to reject

Looking forward to seeing if any forum members can assist with sourcing this device.

Many thanks for your help.



[FONT="Verdana"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Adam Nicholson [/COLOR][/B]| [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Marketing Services Manager[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Essa Australia Limited [/B][/COLOR] | [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Level 1, 63-69 Abernethy Road Belmont WA 6104 | PO Box 362 Belmont WA 6984 AUSTRALIA t +61 8 9475 3000 ext 109 | d +61 8 9475 3009 | m 0417 936 415 | f +61 8 9477 3544 | e [email][/email] | [url][/url][/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [B]Intelligent[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"] solutions[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]to mineral sampling, preparation and testing[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]