Remote Display

Posted in: , on 4. Feb. 2011 - 17:25

This is something I have been playing with in my office. I have written a visual basic program to read the values from a controller. I can do this with the Rice Lake and also the Ramsey integrators, I haven't tried anyone elses yet. This program takes the values and draws a Jpeg image. It then emails the image to an image hosting service (Flickr). I could also email the values text messages. You can then set your computer to view the Flickr images as a screen saver, or use a wireless digital photo frame to automatically display the image on your desk. The problem I can see happening are the images are a one way transfer. I cant remove the old image but keep adding to the folder. I have to manually purge the folder. I was thinking of doing this as an RSS feed, but I'm not that good of a programmer. Is anyone else using this?

regards, Todd Dietrich Kaskaskia Valley Scale Co.
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