Assistance with Fabric Splice Failures Needed

Posted in: , on 9. Jan. 2011 - 05:07

Mr. Dagg @ Boddington Gold Seeks Assistance with Fabric Splice Failures

Posting on behalf of Mr. Francis Dagg @ Boddington Gold:

I have informed Mr. Dagg of some possibilities and his need to provide more information. I am sure someone close to Boddington, south of Perth, can assist with a look at the evidence. He has some photos and will post information on the conveyor soon.


Hi Lawrence,

I see that you are a frequent advisor on the Bulk Forum Online. I tried to post a query today but to no avail. Would you be able to post on my behalf if that is OK with you. If not able to then advise.


At the mine site I am working at we were faced with 3 belt splice failures, same belt, same location. First failure a month ago, the second and third occurred on the same day. After resplice on second failure it failed again and was finally spliced mechanical with clips and now running. This is a 2200mm wide belt, about 340m long, rated at 10500tph, and speed of 3.5 m/s.

I am after the possible root cause failures and hoping to put measures in place to mitigate future recurrences. I am hoping to get feedback from the Bulk Online Forum members.


Francis Dagg

Reliability Engineer

Newmont Boddington Gold

T 08 9883 3350

M 0419 928 013

F 08 9883 3184

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Assistance With Fabric Splice Failures Needed

Erstellt am 9. Jan. 2011 - 05:17

Consider contacting the OEM (prime contractor? engineer? etc) in the first instance.

Most would want to know about something like this?

Regarding failure in the "same location" and apparent rectification via mechanical fastener in lieu of splice. Assuming this is the same location on the conveyor belt (and not on the conveyor, i.e. the physical location along the conveyor of the failure varies, however it is always the same point on the belt) and the mechanical fasteners holds (particularly as the mechanical fastener is unlikely to be as strong as a suitable splice) should give an indication of where to focus the investigation.



Re: Assistance With Fabric Splice Failures Needed

Erstellt am 9. Jan. 2011 - 11:08

Hi Francis,

There is not a lot of information to go on to give you anything but general advice. How long has this system been in and has it previously been successfully spliced? A 3 ply belt, 2200mm wide carrying those tonnages is also unusual. Load support could be a factor. Also it is extremely rare that re-splicing a failed splice will be successful as usually moisture has got into the belt fabric around where the original splice started failing and unless extreme care is taken on any re-splice, that moisture will catalyse a further failure on the repair. Overall there are so many factors to take in before you can come up with a plan so that such a thing does not re-occur. It really requires a lot more detail from you.


Colin Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems Pty Ltd

Re: Assistance With Fabric Splice Failures Needed

Erstellt am 10. Jan. 2011 - 05:39

Is this a hot vulcanized splice or a cold vulcanized splice?

Is this the only splice location in the belt?

Was the splicing company certified by the belt manufacturer?

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.