Crusher Aids Scrap Recycling

Posted in: , on 3. Jan. 2011 - 18:33

Crusher Innovation Aids Scrap Recycling

How do you crush a unique and diverse range of scrap materials efficiently without the danger of toggle breakages and time-consuming gap adjustments?

This was the challenge posed to Essa’s European distributors, Laarmann, by the world’s largest recycler of precious metals from electronic scrap, old mobile phones, laptops and spent catalyst material.

The management at Laarmann, who, between them, have many years experience in servicing the massive European industrial market, have developed an ingenious solution to this problem.

The Customer

Belgium-based materials technology group, Umicore, has industrial operations on all continents and serves a global customer base; it generated a turnover of EUR 6.9 billion in 2009 and currently employs some 13,700 people.

Recycling is one of its four core business areas. Recycling treats complex waste streams containing precious and other non-ferrous metals. Their operations can recover some 20 precious and other non-ferrous metals from a wide range of input materials ranging from industrial residues to end-of-life materials.

Umicore provide recycling and refining services for precious metal bearing materials such as by-products from other non-ferrous industries (e.g. drosses, mattes, speiss, anode slimes) as well as consumer and industrial recyclable products (e.g. electronic scrap, spent auto catalysts , spent industrial catalysts, sweeps and bullions).

From this scrap they recover and sell precious metals (silver, gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium), special metals (indium, selenium, tellurium), secondary metals (antimony, tin, bismuth) and base metals (lead, copper, nickel).

This business is unique in the range of materials it is able to recycle and the flexibility of its operations. Input materials, which are sourced from a truly global supply base, come predominantly from secondary sources.

The Problem

So, how much do you pay the collector and supplier of this complex assortment of scrap material?

In order to determine the content of metals in the scrap Umicore continuously samples and analyses the incoming material. Gaining a representative sample for analysis is particularly difficult and time-consuming.

The potential to pay too little or too much for this scrap is high. Accurate analysis is critical to the profitability of not only Umicore’s business but to the companies sourcing this material.

Umicore is using a number of standard jaw crushers in their operations, many of them old and out-dated. The hardness of the material being crushed is diverse and safety toggle breakage is commonplace. These breaks take days to repair and the downtime results in lost production, increased maintenance costs and delays in payments to the scrap suppliers.

In addition, the crushers are handling a diverse range of materials that require various output product sizes. That means the gap setting on the crusher has to be constantly monitored and manually altered to suit the material being crushed. This, too, is a time-consuming and labour-intensive process.

The Solution

Laarmann have taken a standard Essa Model JC5000 Jaw Crusher (which, with its robust construction, 250 mm feed size and 15,000 kg/hr throughput, is ideally suited to the process demands) and added a specially designed hydraulic gap adjustment device.

Regulating the product size is now an easy and fast procedure. The gap setting can be reset every time a new material is introduced in the process stream.

Adjusting the gap is simple. Two hydraulic cylinders are extended until the two jaw plates touch. The pressure of the plates touching is detected and the opening automatically set to zero. The cylinders retract and the gap is displayed in millimetres until the desired opening is reached.

Over time, as the jaw plates wear away, the zero setting can be easily reset.

To protect the crusher a third cylinder has been installed. This cylinder is a pressure detector. If any material is introduced into the crushing chamber that is too hard the increased pressure is detected and the machine is automatically switched off. This prevents damage to the toggle. That means less maintenance and increased productivity.

This innovative hydraulic gap adjustment device can be easily retrofitted to existing crushers.

For more information, please visit:

Fig. 1: Umicore is rthe world's largest recycler of precious metals from electronic scrap, old mobile phones, laptops, or spent catalyst material

Fig. 2: Managing Director of the Laarmann Group, Guido van Laarhoven, with the hydraulic gap adjustment device fitted to the Essa Model JC5000 Jaw Crusher


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