Rotary Conveyors

Posted in: , on 23. Dec. 2010 - 08:44

i wanted to know how the electrical cables are avoided to get twisted or collapsed when a rotary conveyor rotates to 360 deg.

and I also wanted to know when the rotary conveyor supposed to be a reversible (two end discharge) or it is an optional?

Re: Rotary Conveyors

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2010 - 09:08

Depending on circumstances you could use slip rings, or since the rotation is limited to 360 degrees allow cables to twist around the centre of rotation. Of course they need to be long enough with the second option.

Rotary Conveyor

Erstellt am 24. Dec. 2010 - 05:02

thanks for your reply..

and if u can clarify me some other informations related to the same it will be more helpful for me.

In a rotary conveyor which is seems to be a reasonable one & more feasible in technical & pricewise also

1.rotary conveyor with single end discharge rotates to 360deg(it supposed to fill four number of bins)

2.rotary conveyor with two end discharge having only two positions of rotation to fill the same number of bunker (like a shuttle conv in linear motion)

Rotary Conveyor

Erstellt am 24. Dec. 2010 - 10:00

Single end discharge conveyor will be slightly longer than dual end discharge type.

Re: Rotary Conveyors

Erstellt am 24. Dec. 2010 - 10:45

I'm not clear on what exactly you are trying to achieve.

Maybe a sketch to illustrate?

"The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book." Ivan S. Turgenev

Rotary Conveyor

Erstellt am 27. Dec. 2010 - 12:13


hereby i attched the sketch showing elevation & plan of rotary conveyor feeding to four number of i ahev provided single end discharge which requires 360deg rotation to feed all four the above case while the conveyor rotates whether collapsing of cables will occur or not was my earlier question.and it is clear by the use of slip rings(as per your earlier answer).

in the same case if i'm providing two end discharge with one position as shown the plan of sketch & another position is to be rotated to fill remaining two hoppers.the second one may slightly reduce the cable collapsing.

what is your opinion in the above two cases,

which one will be the reliable & safer one.

and also which is a prefarable.




sketch_1 (PDF)

Re: Rotary Conveyors

Erstellt am 27. Dec. 2010 - 04:49

1) why not use a rotating chute and avoid a belt conveyor completely?

2) in my, limited, experience reversing conveyors are harder to track.

3) with 4 positions to load you don't actually need 360 degrees rotation.

4) I'd be looking at either a twisting cable, a wrapping cable or using a cable reeling drum attached to the conveyor frame.

Good luck.

If There's A Hard Way To Do A Job....

Erstellt am 28. Dec. 2010 - 06:48

....we used to say that the Germans would find it. Since those days there has been a disapointing spread of unecessary challenge. A sort of Reality TV for Aspiring Engineers.

As Designer says, a rotating chute would be a better deal.

Your drawing shows a failure to recognise the influence of discharge trajectory. Chute blockage should also be a concern.

There is a central support shown for the trolley wich must accommodate slewing so the travel wheels on one end of the trolley are overwhelmingly redundant, to the point of becoming obstructive.

When there are more impact idlers than carrying, transition, idlers then the use of a conveyor becomes questionable, debatable to be unfamiliarly polite.

Better luck with your next design.

Is your intended slipring ATEX certified? Now theres a right old can of worms.

Re: Rotary Conveyors

Erstellt am 28. Dec. 2010 - 10:12
Quote Originally Posted by louispanjangView Post

Is your intended slipring ATEX certified?

He's in India so I think we can ignore the European curse of ATEX

Rotary Conveyor

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2010 - 11:28

thank you all for replies...of course i'm not aware of slip ring atex.....

if anyone of you can send images or photos of a rotary conveyor it will be better for me