Software for Conveyor Maintenance

Posted in: , on 19. Dec. 2010 - 11:20


Maybe someone could suggest me some software for conveyor (belt) maintenance , that software could have conection to our main server for reading the information about conveyors working hours. And it could make alerts for maintanance at required working hours.

Thank you.


Re: Software For Conveyor Maintenance

Erstellt am 19. Dec. 2010 - 06:14

Do you mean a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) program? You set up your alerts in the CMMS.

Do a google on CMMS and you will see plenty. But they are not specific to conveyors but you would be able to input the data from a remote device on the conveyor.

It all depends on what data you are interested in monitoring. Many things can be monitored.

We simply have inputs to our PLC and the PLC does all the monitoring, flags errors and problems and if not corrected it will shut it down. You would of course need someone to write the program for doing that. But every system is specific.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Software For Conveyor Maintenance

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2010 - 12:03

Hi Mantas,

I have been involved in the maintenance of conveyor systems for 40 years and basically I am extremely sceptical as to the usefulness of software driven solutions unless they are coupled to a rigorous and quality inspection regime. I have seen companies, based on history, use prgrammed maintenance to change out such things as liners and idlers but it does not work well such items as pulleys, belts etc. Also such systems are not geared to improving component reliability unless they collect the data and the data is analysed. We have two pieces of software we have developed over many years that we intend making commercially available and they are;

> An idler inspection and management system that is now suitable for an intranet and can be coupled to SAP or whatever mainframe software you are using.

> A conveyor inspection software that not only records issues but allows you to insert photos etc. Once again this can be ntegrated into existing mainframe software.

In addition we have developed many training packages on maintenance. If you want to know more then you can go to our website or contact me at

All the best

Col Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems P/L