Kingston Container Liners

Posted in: , on 18. Dec. 2010 - 17:45

Kingston Container Liners

Container Liner Inlets

Packaging transport and handling constitute a substantial cost in the final cost of material. To minimise cost of packing,handling and transportation, JET TECH offers you for packing and transport of bulk materials like Petrochemicals, Wheat Rice, Pulses, Coffee, Malt, Oil Seeds, Sugar, Urea etc., Kingston Container Liner Inlets to substantially reduce your packaging and handling costs.


• Low cost of packaging material, as high as 90% cost saving.

• Low handling cost, more than 95% saving in handling costs both during loading and unloading.

• Low transport cost : about 20% more material is packed and transported in same 20 feet - Container resulting in lower freights per ton.

• 100% safety; Material is as safe as 20 feet Container it self. No chances of spillage or accidents.

• Problem of disposal of packaging material is grossly reduced (we agree to take it back, if required)

Description of Kingston Container Liner Inlets

The liner is like a giant bag of container size, and the material is as safe inside the liner as it is inside a sack. Since it is inside the container, the container wall support the weight of the material and there are no chances of material damage or loss.

The container liners are put inside the 20 feet container and is tied by straps provided on the liner to all side of the container. The material is stuffed by filling the material through a port provided in the container liner. After filling the material the feeding port is stitched and closed.

When the container reaches its destination the importing customer opens the container and the liner mouth and evacuates the material. The material then can be filled either in silo or could be packed on the packing machine. It also gives substantial saving on handling cost at both the end i.e., on loading and unloading.

KINGSTON Container Liner Inlets are available in various designs and materials to suit individual needs. These are produced from coated and uncoated Polypropylene / High density Polyethylene woven Fabric, Polyethylene heavy gauge film, cross laminated Polypropylene films and HDPE Fabric reinforced films to suit the wide spectrum of materials.

To overcome the bulging, in front, after stuffing the material, various options are available. Arragements with stell bars / pipes and without bars both are available. In bariess type of liner, you may choose antibulging arrangements using belts, ropes and bafles type arragements. The bariess type of Liners hold upto 25 Tons material in a 20 ft. container without any problem.

For filling and discharge of material there are many options. Model CI 102 have open Flap cover which is ideal if the container is tobe filled manually. Two port type inlets or single wide port type inlets are available. Discharge port could be provided two small or one wide as per your choice or requirements.

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