SDIMI 2011, Aachen, Germany

Posted in: , on 18. Dec. 2010 - 15:16


AIMS 2011

Fifth International Conference

"SDIMI: Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry"

June 14-17, 2011

Aachen, Germany

The Institute of Mining Engineering I of RWTH Aachen University is pleased to announce that the abstract volume of the next SDIMI 2011 Conference is now online.

The program is still in progress, but at our website at

sdimi_abstractvolume_november 11

href="" target="blank"> it is possible to download the first edition of the abstract volume as of November 11th, 2010 and to view the list of speakers that will present a paper at SDIMI 2011.

Please also visit our website at

sdimi_abstractvolume_november 11

href="" target="blank"> to find more information on

- News

- Symposium Details

- Registration (A binding registration will be starting from December 2010)

- Sponsoring & Exhibition

- Venue & Accommodation

It would be a great pleasure to welcome you at the next Conference of the Aachen International Mining Symposia (AIMS) series.

Two years after the SDIMI conference that took place in the year 2009 in Gold Coast, Australia, the SDIMI series will now return to Aachen.

SDIMI 2011 will be the fifth in a series of international conferences incorporating all of the latest developments in the fields of

Practicing Sustainability - Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Supply Chains

Mineral Resources Policies and Governance

Critical Primary Resources and Natural Resources Management in Europe and Worldwide

Sustainable Reporting, Advances in LCA & SDI

Social Sustainability

For more than 15 years the Institute of Mining Engineering I of the RWTH Aachen University, Germany has been hosting successful symposia on topics concerning mineral raw materials supply and mining within the framework of Aachen International Mining Symposia (AIMS).

We expect approximately 350 delegates from all over the world, so you can look forward to meeting senior representatives and decision makers of governments, research institutions, geological services, investment communities, suppliers and companies of the minerals and mining industry and related fields.

The traditional Dinner Party at the Aula Carolina on 15 June, 2011 provides the opportunity to get in further contact with customers and colleagues.

We are looking forward to your response!

With a friendly GLÜCKAUF!

Mirjam Rosenkranz

(Symposium Secretariat)

Dipl.-Ing. Mirjam Rosenkranz (Ms.)

RWTH Aachen University - Institute of Mining Engineering I

Wuellnerstraße 2 - 52056 Aachen - Germany

Tel.: +49-(0)241-80-9 5673 or -9 5667

Fax : +49-(0)241-80 92-272


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sdimi_abstractvolume_november 11

href="" target="blank">

The SDIMI 2011 Abstract Voulume is attached as PDF below.


sdimi_abstractvolume_november 11 (PDF)

logo_sdimi_2011__1 (GIF)

"Sdimi: Sustainable Development In The Minerals Industry"

Erstellt am 15. Dec. 2010 - 05:24


AIMS 2011

Fifth International Conference

"SDIMI: Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry"

June 14-17, 2010

Aachen, Germany

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

It would be a great pleasure to welcome you at the next Conference of the Aachen International Mining Symposia (AIMS) series:

“SDIMI 2011 – Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry”

From Primary Production to Sustainable Supply Chains

14 – 17 June, 2011

Aachen, Germany

The Institute of Mining Engineering I of RWTH Aachen University is pleased to announce that it is now possible to register to the conference at

Please also visit our website at to find more information on

- Abstract Volume and List of Speakers

- News

- Symposium Details

- Sponsoring & Exhibition

- Venue & Accommodation

For any questions please contact the symposium secretariat at or at +49-241-80 95673.

We are looking forward to your response!

With a friendly GLÜCKAUF!

Mirjam Rosenkranz

(Symposium Secretariat)

Dipl.-Ing. Mirjam Rosenkranz (Ms.)

RWTH Aachen University - Institute of Mining Engineering I

Wuellnerstraße 2 - 52056 Aachen - Germany

Tel.: +49-(0)241-80-9 5673 or -9 5667

Fax : +49-(0)241-80 92-272


Sdimi 2011 - Sustainable Development In The Minerals Industry

Erstellt am 7. Jun. 2011 - 11:00

The Institute of Mining Engineering I of RWTH Aachen University is pleased to announce that the Deadline for late booking has been extended to June 9th, 2011.

Please visit our website at to find more information on

- Registration

- Preliminary Program

- Abstract Volume

- Symposium Details

- Sponsoring & Exhibition

- Venue & Accommodation

As the mining industry worldwide recovers from the economic crisis, the question of how the industry will meet the demands of the triple bottom line are in focus more than ever. Thus, the challenges and the opportunities for the stakeholders in the process of Sustainable Development gain an ever increasing importance in our society. Given the necessity of an economic and resource efficient raw materials extraction on the one hand and its impacts on society and environment on the other hand, the Fifth International Conference “Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry” (SDIMI) within the scope of the conference series “Aachen International Mining Symposia” (AIMS) will deal with the latest developments in this area and show the road ahead.

Organized by the Institute of Mining Engineering I, RWTH Aachen University, in cooperation with the Virginia Tech University and the Technical University of Crete, the SDIMI 2011 conference is sponsored by RWE Power AG, Minova CarboTech GmbH, Hilti Aktiengesellschaft, Nickel Instituite, Sandvik Mining and Construction Central Europe GmbH and Taylor & Francis Group.

About 90 presentations will be the showcase of a unique combination of hands-on industrial experience, institutional aspects and research developments in the field of Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry. High-ranking representatives and experts from international companies, governmental institutions, geological services and research institutions from Europe, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, India, Japan and the United States will present their experience and points of view to more than 300 participants.

Against the background of the imperial city of Aachen, both the exhibition at the conference venue and the Dinner Party in the historical Aula Carolina will offer ample opportunity to get in contact to make new contacts and renew old ones.

Sustainable Interactions and Innovations Session:

A dedicated session for creating research ideas, building a research network and forming collaborations

As a novelty in the SDIMI conference series, at a special session Young Researchers will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other new researchers from around the globe. The organizers of the 2011 SDIMI Conference support this session devoted to new researchers who share an interest in sustainable mining practices because they understand the critical importance of preparing and engaging with the next generation of sustainability practitioners and recognize that new researchers bring new perspectives, enthusiasm, and intellectual energy to the field. The “Sustainable Interactions and Innovations Session” will also provide a platform for interested participants to create research networks, which can be maintained through online platforms, such as the Continuous Conferences hosted on InfoMine.

For a reduced conference fee for young researchers participating in this special session please contact the symposium secretariat

For any questions please contact the symposium secretariat at or at +49-241-80 95673.

We are looking forward to your response!

With a friendly GLÜCKAUF!

Mirjam Rosenkranz

(Symposium Secretariat)


Dipl.-Ing. Mirjam Rosenkranz

RWTH Aachen University - Institute of Mining Engineering I

Wuellnerstraße 2 - 52056 Aachen - Germany

Tel.: +49-(0)241-80-9 5673 or -9 5667

Fax : +49-(0)241-80 92-272


SDIMI 2011

Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry

14-17 June, 2011

Aachen, Germany

(Please use Mozilla Firefox for best results)>>


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