200 t/h Brown Coal Mill or Crusher

Posted in: , on 1. Dec. 2010 - 14:59

Brown Coal Mill or Crusher 200 tonnes per hour

I am looking for a crusher or a mill to reduce cakes of brown coal @ a moisture content between 15 - 20%. Tonnage per hour 500 tonnes per hour.

* key decision making element is power consumption - needs to be as low as possible.

* Size of particle after milling or crushing 2 - 4mm.

* I have no problems with having a battery of say 5 units doing 100 tonnes each or 2 units doing 250 tonnes. I need a minimum of 250 tonnes in case of breakdown & maintenance.

Pls advise size of unit, and power consumption.

This is one of multiple sites.

Brown Coal Milling

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2010 - 05:11
Quote Originally Posted by Robert StreetView Post
I am looking for a crusher or a mill to reduce cakes of brown coal @ a moisture content between 15 - 20%. Tonnage per hour 500 tonnes per hour.

* key decision making element is power consumption - needs to be as low as possible.

* Size of particle after milling or crushing 2 - 4mm.

* I have no problems with having a battery of say 5 units doing 100 tonnes each or 2 units doing 250 tonnes. I need a minimum of 250 tonnes in case of breakdown & maintenance.

Pls advise size of unit, and power consumption.

This is one of multiple sites.

You will recieve a lot of recommendations and suggestions

before long but you have many issues not mentioned in your

inquiry; telling us what you need is fine by all means but we

have no grasp of your operating system.

The issues are simply to clarify and narrow your search needs

because there are collectively hundreds of possiblities/combinations

with regard to breakage and resizing as well as recirculation circuits of


Everyone in the business wishes to save on energy costs when

crushing materials as this is one of the largest costs in conveying

sub bituminous and bituminous coals.

Help us, to help you, to help us, help you.

The puzzle starts here:

1. How is the coal in question handled and rehandled prior to


a. What is the 500 T.P.H., Run Of Mine coal size if graded?

b. What type of controls, bin segregation, passive and active methods

of coal movement and flow do you now have?

c. What type of fire fighting/fire suppression systems are employed in

the event of a spontaneos combustion fire from coal dust?

d. How much plant area do you have to allow the installation, adequate maintenance

and repair for X number of units with these units in a parallel sizing arrangement

floor plan? You have to have the floor space, ceiling height room, and bridge or

jib cranes capacity to either allow the safe ingress of the largest part of the machine to be

removed and the replacement part lowered into place if a complete primary or tertiary sizing

roll is replaced with its bearing sets.

2. What type of physical plant do you have if any, or

are you at the beginning stages of building or upgrading facilities?

3. What maintenance are you capable of or able to manage

and or contract?

4. Are you financially capable of maintaining an adequate parts

and spares inventory for the 5 machines that you have made an

initial inquiry for?

5. If machinery space requirements are not an issue:

Will you consider or have you considered further flow

splitting to lower the tonnage per line to less than

100 tons per hour to reduce loading surges even further

to add life to the equipment in question?

The use of cast or flywheels produces much usable energy in primary

and secondary breakage crushing systems and there is no real

magic bullet when it comes to energy consumption with breakage

of ores other than using the primary breaker at its lowest setting to

create the smallest out feed size of material exiting the primary crusher.

If you do not have a primary tertiary crusher or crushers to presize the ore prior to

the initial secondary breakage your megavars consumption will not be reduced to any

great degree.

Many manufacturers provide an excellent crusher product for many ores and aggregates.

as we have no idea of your flow chart for the 5 facilities