Need Crescent Chain for Sushi Conveyor

Posted in: , on 20. Oct. 2010 - 11:27

Hi, we are looking for crescent chain for our Sushi conveyor,

the needs of our customers comes higher: long conveyors or very sinuous shape, pushing us to seek new chains.

In the past we have done much research but we have found only chains with low loads.

Could you advise what companies have in their catalog this type of chain?

PS: We seek only the chain and not the entire conveyor.

^__^ Tnx [URL=""] [B]Nastri trasportatori - Conveyors belt[/B][/URL] [URL=""] [B]Sushi conveyor[/B][/URL] [URL=""] [B]PORTABLE CONVEYOR SYSTEM[/B] [SIZE=1]For construction - demolition – renovation – restoration – consolidation - sub-foundation Transport debris and rubble - gardens maintenance – archaeology - excavating for pools Landscaping - environmental funds - inaccessible places - mining and tunnelling[/SIZE][/URL]

Re: Need Crescent Chain For Sushi Conveyor

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2010 - 05:36

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Need Crescent Chain For Sushi Conveyor

Erstellt am 24. Dec. 2010 - 12:44
Quote Originally Posted by Gary BlenkhornView Post

Hi Gary and tnx for your reply (i'm sorry but i read it just now...may cause my bad settings..)

I read what you suggest but Modu sell entire system, instead we seek only the chain and not the entire conveyor.

If you have other link or other, it was all wellcome


^__^ Tnx [URL=""] [B]Nastri trasportatori - Conveyors belt[/B][/URL] [URL=""] [B]Sushi conveyor[/B][/URL] [URL=""] [B]PORTABLE CONVEYOR SYSTEM[/B] [SIZE=1]For construction - demolition – renovation – restoration – consolidation - sub-foundation Transport debris and rubble - gardens maintenance – archaeology - excavating for pools Landscaping - environmental funds - inaccessible places - mining and tunnelling[/SIZE][/URL]