Posted in: , on 11. Oct. 2010 - 19:50


TAIM WESER, through its Renewable Energy Division, will be participating in Expobioenerga 2010, the international bioenergy fair being held in Valladolid from October 27 to 29. The company will be located at stand 219 in Pavilion 2 of the Fair, where it will exhibit products in the field of clean and efficient biomass cogeneration technologies and present the latest developments implemented at its biomass gasification plant.

After the excellent results obtained at the previous event, TAIM WESER will be returning to Expobioenerga, which is holding its 5th edition from October 27 to 29. At the last edition, the company presented, among other developments, the biomass cogeneration plant, which aroused considerable interest and was an unequivocal technical and commercial success. This was underlined by Luis Monge Güiz, Director of Renewable Energies at TAIM WESER, who stated “our plant received an enthusiastic response due to the important advantages it offers over other electro-thermal cogeneration systems based on biomass gasification. This positive market response has prompted a flurry of activity over the year, leading to the development of major commercial projects on both a national and international level”.

The high efficiency biomass gasification plant produces electrical and thermal energy from plant biomass. Adaptability is one of the most important advantages it has to offer, constituting a comprehensive energy solution that can be adjusted to meet the needs of each client, thanks to a fully modular system that makes it possible to obtain the necessary power. TAIM WESER also supplies turnkey facilities, along with operating contracts, maintenance and service to ensure the most competitive energy production for clients. Luis Monge believes that "the best demonstration of the advantages of our facility is the manner in which it is integrated in the existing environment”.

Monge also explained the advantages of the plant in terms of efficiency and profitability “The system has been designed for applications in the low and medium power range in which gasification is much more efficient than other combustion systems. In this manner, energy performance reaches nearly 75%, seeing that energy conversions of at least 1 KWhe and 2 KWht are achieved for each kilogram of biomass” Moreover, all of this is carried out “without complex tar cleaning systems because, by applying and optimizing the downdraft principle, the tar is thermally cracked before leaving the gasifier. The immediate result is a reduction in investment and maintenance costs, as well as enhanced availability of the facility for clients”.

TAIM WESER Ideas for Innovation

“Ideas for Innovation” is the motto of the 5th International Bioenergy Congress, which is to be held within the framework of Expobioenerga 2010, as part of the program of parallel activities that will accompany the Fair. This congress has been organized by Avebiom, the Spanish Biomass Association for Energy Valorization and will take place on October 26, 27 and 28. Luis Monge is scheduled to participate in a workshop on Thursday, October 28th, dedicated to “Heat Distribution” with a speech on “Replacing Gas Heating with Heat generated at the Biomass Gasification Plant” in which he will explain, among other items, new uses for the facility developed by TAIM WESER. As he pointed out, the innovation involves “replacing the gas heating system of our entire product machining area with renewable heat. Previously, the heating system was based on gas->water->air. The integration of the facility has been accomplished with relatively little effort. All that was needed was to connect new water->air machinery in the air circuit, where hot water is supplied from the heat recovery circuits of gas refrigeration systems and engine sleeves, with a highly accelerated depreciation of equipment as a result of the replacement of the entire consumption of natural gas”.

This new contribution to the operation of the facility shows how the innovative capacity of the industrial group can generate new areas for diversification, creating new products in these areas which quickly become market leaders and provide energy efficient solutions that are sustainable and environmentally friendly as well. “One of our mottos as a business enterprise is "No Limits". In keeping with that philosophy, TAIM WESER will continue to offer consumers biomass systems that make energy generation increasingly reliable and competitive" concludes Luis Monge.

Expobioenerga 2010

On the verge of celebrating its 5th edition, Expobioenerga has become consolidated as a major international event specializing in bioenergy, as well as a reference and meeting point for the industry. The trade show, taking place from 27 to 29 October 2010 at the Feria de Valladolid Convention Center, will have 18,000 square meters of occupied surface area, 425 exhibitors from 25 countries and is expected to be attended by some 13,000 professional visitors.


TAIM WESER is a Spanish company operating on a worldwide scale, specializing in high-technology turnkey projects. With factories in 58 countries and over one hundred years of experience, TAIM WESER provides solutions oriented towards streamlining industrial processes in a sustainable, environmentally friendly approach in the following sectors: bulk materials handling, lifting, waste treatment and renewable energy.

The company’s corporate headquarters are located in Zaragoza (Spain), where the facilities occupy a surface area of 64,000 m2, 23,500 of which are covered and assigned to production processes. In Germany, the company has a head office located in Bad Oeynhausen and a branch office in Saarlouis.

Thanks to its proprietary technology and patents, TAIM WESER has become an international reference, present in all leading world markets, where it is noted for its excellent management resources. TAIM WESER is committed to innovation and technology; to people, total quality and competitiveness. These values, along with the extensive experience acquired, afford the company a perfect understanding of the sectors in which it operates, preparing it to meet all of its customers’ needs.

For more information, please visit:




Watch this TAIM WESER Video:


Fig. 1: 2009 Expobioenerga stand of TAiM WESER

Fig. 2: Biomass Plant

Fig. 3: Sr. Luis Monge Güiz, Director of Renewable Energies at TAIM WESER


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