RHEWUM in Morocco

Posted in: , on 7. Oct. 2010 - 13:12

New RHEWUM Representative for Screening Machines in Morocco

As of October 1, 2010 Mr. El-Mehdi Hmittou and his company HPF will represent RHEWUM screening machines in Morocco. Registered office of the company is in Casablanca.

HPF yet has numerous contacts to the sectors of industry where RHEWUM screening machines are already working effectively, respectively where RHEWUM screens can be applied. One of these companies is OCP-Group (Office Cherifien de Phosphate) with its subsidiaries Maroc Phosphore and Smesi. Due to this existing close relationship to these and other potential RHEWUM customers an optimal service is guaranteed during the project itself and beyond. Mr. Hmittou´s long time experience in this industry sectors will also guarantee a successful build up and cooperation with new customers.


The OCP-Group has available 75% of the worldwide rock phosphate deposits and hence is world market leader in mining, processing and export of rock phosphate. The company was founded in 1920 and in 1975 extended to OCP-Group and meanwhile has about 18.000 employees. OCP-Group produces approx. 28 Mio t of rock phosphate per year which is approx. 45% of world market.

Phosphate Extraction

Rock phosphate is extracted with sulphuric or phosphoric acid. For the extraction the material has to be crushed and milled in various steps. In this comminution process rock phosphate > 150 mm is fine grinded and then classified on RHEWUM screens.

The generated rock phosphate powder then is screened again into different particle size fractions. By dissolving with acid calcium hydrogen phosphate resp. by using sulphuric acid additionally calcium sulphate is generated. Rock phosphate extracted by sulphuric acid is named super phosphate (SP). Triple super phosphate (TSP) or double super phosphate (DP) is produced by using phosphoric acid and has a higher phosphor content. Phosphate fertilizers containing nitrogen e.g. di-ammonium phosphate or mono-ammonium phosphate are produced by using ammonia and phosphoric acid.

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