Cohesive Material for Testing

jag_minhas - Guttridge Ltd, U.K.
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Sep. 2010 - 12:28


I am looking for a coarse and cohesive material to test on one of our screw conveyors to see if it conveys properly or not and check the output/power.

I was looking at possibly claypit sand/ wet coal but am looking for a bit less messy.

Any ideas what material I could use for testing? I would need around 750 kg or a bit more.



jag_minhas - Guttridge Ltd, U.K.
(not verified)

Coarse, Cohesive Material

Erstellt am 8. Oct. 2010 - 04:01

Hi Lyn

Can you give me a few sample names for a coarse cohesive material to be fed through a screw conveyer. Hopefully something which is easily available.


Re: Cohesive Material For Testing

Erstellt am 8. Oct. 2010 - 06:19

Rather than starting a new thread on the same topic. Just add to this thread and that will bump it onto the new posts. Therefore I have merged them into one thread.

Would it not be best to use the intended product to be conveyed for more accurate measurement?

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

jag_minhas - Guttridge Ltd, U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Cohesive Material For Testing

Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2010 - 10:41

Thanks for the suggestion Gary. I'm running tests on a variety of materials on a single screw conveyor machine which is force fed through a feeder. I have run tests on fine, cohesive/fine,free flowing/ granular and the last one is coarse,cohesive which I am having problems finding.

Any products that you can suggest?



Re: Cohesive Material For Testing

Erstellt am 29. Dec. 2010 - 11:33


Based on our experience with many different materials we have had to design transfers for I believe rather than go for a cohesive material that is a clay, go for an adhesive material that is one that becomes cohesive due to the water content. Such a material could be iron ore (haematite) with about 20%microfines and 15% mioisture content. You can tailor the coarseness to suit. This will avoid the messiness of a clay but still give you a good idea if the screw conveyor works with such material.


Col Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems P/L

jag_minhas - Guttridge Ltd, U.K.
(not verified)


Erstellt am 13. Jan. 2011 - 10:21

Thanks Colin.

It was mainly for the purpose of finding out the behaviour of the material in a screw elevator, will look at it in the near future.