Re: Sugar Conveyor

Erstellt am 4. Sep. 2010 - 12:55

I use screw conveyor for cereals ... this screw for sugar needs be different? Materials? Should i isolate this screw, to prevent humidity ?

Best Regards

Tanks for reply

Re: Sugar Conveyor

Erstellt am 4. Sep. 2010 - 08:35

Material - 304L stainless steel

You might get better answers if you gave us more information about what you are trying to do

Re: Sugar Conveyor

Erstellt am 4. Sep. 2010 - 09:45


I have bag's with 50kg to put in a Discharge hooper at height of 2m... 50kg is too much for a single person.

I want do a inlet hooper, in my screw conveyor, at height of 0.4m and discharge manually the sugar. The screw conveyor will send my sugar to my discharge hooper.

This screw conveyor will work fine? can anyone send me a pictures about the screw conveyor?

Re: Sugar Conveyor

Erstellt am 4. Sep. 2010 - 10:02

