DEKRA in China

Posted in: , on 25. Aug. 2010 - 15:07

Expert organisation builds on industrial services in China

DEKRA strongly pushes business in China

• Strong position in product testing and certification services

• Expansion of automotive and industrial services

• China expansion part of global growth strategy

Stuttgart / ShanghaiThe international expert organisation DEKRA is expanding its service portfolio in China. „China is one of the strategic key markets in our global expansion strategy,” said Stefan Kölbl, Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA e.V. and DEKRA SE, during a presentation in the Hamburg House at the World Expo in Shanghai on August 25. The testing and inspection group is strategically expanding its presence in China with its industrial and automotive services and plans to strongly focus on product testing, system certification, energy efficiency and sustainability.

Kölbl announced the group’s intention to heavily strengthen DEKRA’s presence in China. Together with the subsidiary KEMA Quality, DEKRA has been operating already five product testing laboratories in China since last year. The Chinese-German joint venture for system certifications, DEKRA WIT, began operation just in spring this year. As a leading global provider of automotive testing services, DEKRA has already engaged in several pilot projects in China together with German car manufacturers, and is currently expanding its automotive services with own locations. The testing group currently has a workforce of more than 300 at nine locations in China.

DEKRA believes China possesses tremendous growth potential in the testing and inspection business for products, buildings and industrial plants, as well as in certification services. „Industrial testing services represent one of the key drivers of growth for DEKRA in the coming years," explained Mark Thomä, member of the DEKRA SE Board of Management and head of the Industrial business unit. “Our aim is to successfully accompany the rapid local development and internationalisation of the Chinese economy with our expert knowledge.”

DEKRA has been active for many years in the area of operational environmental protection and has played a leading role in its European domestic market in the fields of sustainability management, energy efficiency and building services as well as testing services in the energy and systems sectors. The expansion in China is part of DEKRA's global growth strategy. This led the expert organisation to complete strategically-important acquisitions over the past few months: With the acquisition of KEMA Quality, DEKRA took over one of the internationally leading product testing and certification companies. In Scandinavia, DEKRA recently established itself as the leading testing and inspection services provider with the acquisition of the Swedish ÅF-Kontroll.

DEKRA is also one of the sponsors of the Hamburg House at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The Hanseatic city’s contribution to the Expo 2010 was built in line with passive house standards and illustrates how German expertise can be put to use in Shanghai in the area of energy efficiency. „Sustainable planning and action will become a global necessity in the future,” commented Kölbl, the head of DEKRA, during an event to award an energy certificate to the organisers of the Hamburg House. Kölbl added further: “With its expert services, DEKRA helps business and government in the practical and foresighted implementation of responsibilities related to energy efficiency, CO2 footprint, environmental protection and safety."


DEKRA is one of the world's leading expert organisations. The company currently main- tains a presence in more than 50 countries. Around 22,000 employees, of which 40 per- cent work outside of DEKRA’s domestic market in Germany, are committed to ensuring long-term safety, quality and environmental protection. DEKRA SE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and is responsible for the company’s operational business. The DEKRA business units Automotive, Industrial and Personnel provide skilled and innnovative services in the fields of vehicle inspections, expert appraisals, international claims management, consulting, industrial and product testing, certifications, environmental protection, qualifications and temporary work in addition to out- and new placement. In 2009 DEKRA generated sales totalling around EUR 1.7 billion.

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