Noise from the Head Pulley

Posted in: , on 23. Aug. 2010 - 14:28

I've met a problem that a big noise came from the head pulley after the pulley putting into work for sevral years. When the conveyor working empty,no noise,once full load the noise will come. I've checked the gear box ,coupling and the drum, no problem except that the rubber lagging worn to the extent that the diamond-shaped lagging rubber turned to plain. I guess the reason of the noise is sliding happened between the drum lagging and the fabric belt. But I'm not sure of my estimation. Can anybody give some good advice of it?

Re: Noise From The Head Pulley

Erstellt am 23. Aug. 2010 - 04:02

Is the noise like a squealing noice or a bang?

If it is squealling then you are getting slippage on the drive and require more tension (or weight) in your take-up system.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Noise From The Head Pulley

Erstellt am 7. Sep. 2010 - 04:51

I had a large drive pulley (3.4MW) and it had a "Clank" as opposed to a "Squeak"

The client refused to accept it, so one night I drilled a couple of holes in it and pumped it full of expanded polyeurethane.

Filled the holes with Pratley's Putty and after a lick of orange paint, all was well.

(Ran like that for years!)


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs

Another Word For The Day Thingamajig

Erstellt am 7. Sep. 2010 - 06:25

Dear Graham,

Sounds like the internal thingamajig broke loose as they often do. Then they go rattling around bouncing between shaft and shell. Some attribute the thingama-jig to light stitch welding and incompatible deformation of shell to thin internal disks.

We prefer to omit thingamajigs in modern designs. They were used in ancient times to help form the cylindrical shape of the shell when proper shell rolling techniques were dubious.

The thingamajigs were also found to be a problem with shell failures. Not just poping lose, but, causing stress risers and crack initiation in shell as the failed from weld breaks.

Synonyms: dingus, doohickey, hickey, thingamabob, doodad (or thingumajig), thingummy, whatchamacallit, whatnot, whatsit (also whatsis or what-is-it)

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Noise From The Head Pulley

Erstellt am 11. Sep. 2010 - 02:23

But if something was loose inside: then surely it would rattle about all the time: not just under laden conditions?

Pulley Squeak Or Squeal - High Or Low Resonance?

Erstellt am 11. Sep. 2010 - 04:45


True. The internal disk may not be fully broken, just part of the weld stitching has broken. As more load is applied, the broken sections register the shell deformation from bending and hoop strain with noisy rubbing.

Due to the high forces, it does not take much rubbing to create the squeak or squeal. The type of noise would be quite different from belt slip. Belt slip is a very high resonance compared with disk-to-shell rubbing. The internal disk is a clanck at the pulley rpm. So which noise is it?

I am not emphatic in stating this cause. The only evidence is another's interpretation.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Noise From The Head Pulley

Erstellt am 11. Sep. 2010 - 05:27

Might be worth borrowing an endoscope, drilling a couple of holes and having a look around inside. Might see something