Jenike & Johanson Summer Newsletter

Posted in: , on 4. Aug. 2010 - 21:33

Jenike & Johanson, Inc. Summer 2010 Newsletter

Jenike & Johanson, Inc.’s New Summer 2010 Newsletter is now available. This informative newsletter includes:

Herman Purutyan’s CEO Message about doing more with less, safely and environmentally responsibly.

• A white paper focused on ensuring the Stability of Marine Vessels Laden with Fine, Dry Powders.

• A solids handling case study on BHP Billiton’s Spence copper mine focused on belt feeders and ensuring a proper interface with a hopper.

• An article describing the Peer Review Process.

• Jenike & Johanson, Inc.’s Industry Calendar of solids handling courses and recent publications.

Call Jenike & Johanson at 978-649-3300 to request a copy of the Newsletter be emailed to you or contact


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